Does Female Ejaculation Really Exist?

For a long time, it was thought that the fluid expelled in female ejaculation induced during orgasm was simply urine. Today, science has shown us that this is not the case.
Does Female Ejaculation Really Exist?

Last update: 26 September, 2024

Female ejaculation, or the “squirt”, is a topic of considerable controversy in the world of sexual health. Since Whipple and Perry (1981) published an article on the subject, much progress has been made in trying to answer the big question related to this topic – Can women really ejaculate just like men do? If so, where does the fluid come from? Is it something for a select few?

The discussion about female ejaculation arises from the confessions of a significant group of women (according to some studies, between 40-54% of the female population). Many girls began to acknowledge that they expelled liquid at the moment of their orgasm, in a similar way to male ejaculation.

As Gilliland (2009) shows, this event can have a great influence on the sexual life of the women who live it. For some, it is shameful and humiliating, and for others, it is a source of interest and pride. Without a doubt, the lack of information is a great obstacle to understanding and assimilating this event, and even being able to define it.

Does female ejaculation exist?

A biochemistry laboratory at the Van Buren Hospital initiated some much-needed research into the area of the female orgasm. We should start by saying that the fetal substrate is originally female. The woman must have an embryonic prostate structure in order for the man to develop the corresponding male prostate.

The results suggest that the existence of female prostate tissues can produce a non-urinary and sexually induced genital discharge during orgasm (Venegas, Carmona Mena, Alvarez, & Arévalo, 2006). This discharge is what is called “female ejaculation”.

Most experts agree that the liquid expelled is not urine, as was previously thought. There is also agreement that women’s prostate tissue (or Skene’s glands) is primarily responsible for this expulsion.

The Skene glands are similar to the prostate gland of men, so they have been called “the woman’s prostate”. They are secretors of prostate-specific antigens, and their function is related to urethral lubrication and female ejaculation.

Every woman is different, and so is their sexuality. There is no specific type of ejaculate fluid. Some claim to expel only a few drops while others expel an amount equivalent to several cups of coffee. Some describe it as thick and whitish, and others report it as being transparent and watery.

In some women, G-spot stimulation, orgasm and female ejaculation are related. Meanwhile, in other women this relationship doesn’t exist. Some women have reported orgasms with ejaculation due to clitoral stimulation and others have had ejaculation without an orgasm.

-Whipple and Komisaruk-

Female ejaculation and the G spot

Masters and Johnson (1966) argued that the only primary erogenous organ in women is the clitoris. It is now accepted that both the vagina and the clitoris are primary erogenous zones (Zwang, 1987).

Anatomically, the G spot is not part of the vagina, but rather of the urethra (the female prostate). It can be stimulated by the penetration of the penis, or by the use of fingers.

We can detect it by increasing the volume of an area of ​​a few centimeters in the front wall of the vagina, producing intense female orgasms (Arango de Montis, 2008).

These conclusions mean that adequate stimulation of either of these two female organs can lead to orgasm. The G spot is not a specific point but a functional structure. It is an erectile, diffuse, and erogenous zone, called the fascia of Halban.


Sex occurs in many parts of our body

In a study, it was found that 72.7% of women reach orgasm by the stimulation of the different areas of the vaginal walls. 90.9% of women were excited as a result of stimulation with fingers in these areas.

When the clitoris is stimulated using fingers, the proportions are the same. We should mention that the researchers observed the duration of orgasms generated by stimulation using fingers of the clitoris and the vagina.

Through these results, they discovered that the clitoris has approximately twice as much erogenous sensitivity as the vagina (Useche, 2001). In fact, one study showed that most women require only the stimulation of the clitoris to achieve ejaculation (Álvarez, sf.).

Many sexologists and feminists agree on the absurdity of reducing female sexuality to just the G spot. In 1950, Ernest Grafenberg himself (from whose name we get the famous G-spot) claimed that no part of a woman’s body doesn’t provide a sexual response. We can deduce from this that sex occurs in many parts of the body, starting with our own thoughts (García, 2005).

Sexual Pleasure Female Ejaculation

Ejaculation – similarities and differences between sexes

There is no doubt that during an orgasm we experience rhythmic contractions in the internal sexual organs, both female and male. Unlike men, female ejaculation does not always accompany orgasm, and in most cases occurs in the early stages of sexual excitement.

Another difference found by Amy Gilliland (2009) is that the volume of female ejaculation increases by the number of orgasms a woman experiences during intercourse.

The stage of the menstrual cycle you are in also affects this, and the type of stimulation you need to make it happen. As the fetus is female at the start of its growth, female ejaculation contains substances that semen also contains: fructose, prostate-specific antigen, and acid phosphatase (Álvarez, s.f.)

Decaying myths about female ejaculation

During ancient times, people believed that without ejaculation there could be no fertilization. This applied to both men and women, in an attempt to standardize the sexual process.

On the other hand, some psychoanalysts of the time considered that the vaginal orgasm in women was “the mature orgasm” (García, 2005). However, without a doubt, the biggest fallacy is that the more ejaculations a woman has, the higher her sexual satisfaction (Álvarez, S. f.).

If we were to link feminine pleasure to ejaculation, then that would invert the conventionalism regarding gender (García, 2005). In short, the advance of scientific knowledge demolishes myths expands minds, and allows women to free themselves from the sexual standards of days gone by.

Bibliographical references:

Venegas, JA, Carmona Mena, CA, Alvarez, A., & Arévalo, M. (2006 ). Contribution to the discussion of the female prostate and ejaculation in women. Rev. chil. urol, 71 (3), 217-222.Álvarez, P.M. (s.f.). Notes on female ejaculation. Hispanic American Archives of Sexology, 17 (1). Range de Montis, I. (2008). Human Sexuality .García, M. I. G. (2005). Values ​​of an impure science. Arbor, 181 (716), 501-514. Useche, B. (2001). The sexological examination in female excitatory and orgasmic dysfunctions. Rev Terap Sex Clin. Pesquisa e Aspects Psicossociais, 1, 115-31

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Venegas, J. A., Carmona Mena, C. A., Alvarez, A., & Arévalo, M. (2006). Contribución a la discusión de la próstata femenina y la eyaculación en la mujer. Rev. chil. urol, 71(3), 217–222.

  • Álvarez, P. M. (s. f.). Apuntes sobre la eyaculación femenina. Archivos Hispanoamericanos de Sexología, 17(1).

  • Arango de Montis, I. (2008). Sexualidad humana.

  • García, M. I. G. (2005). Valores de una ciencia impura. Arbor, 181(716), 501–514.

  • Useche, B. (2001). El examen sexológico en las disfunciones excitatorias y orgásmicas femeninas. Rev Terap Sex Clín. Pesquisa e Aspectos Psicossociais, 1, 115–31.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.