When to Seek Medical Help for Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction can cause discomfort in men of all ages. Do you want to know when to seek help for erectile dysfunction? Keep reading.
When to Seek Medical Help for Erectile Dysfunction?

Last update: 29 August, 2023

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition that affects 12 million American men at some point in their lives. This type of sexual dysfunction involves difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection during intercourse. In this article, we’ll tell you more about this disorder and when it’s necessary to seek help for erectile dysfunction.

Occasional impairments in the bedroom are normal, but when they become persistent, they can be a cause for concern. In these cases, there are ways to cope with such problems. Sometimes you may need to change your lifestyle or consult a doctor who can identify the underlying cause and recommend the best pill for ED for your case.

The differences between an occasional problem and erectile dysfunction

First of all, it’s important to differentiate those problems that occur occasionally from chronic erectile dysfunction. Occasional episodes are those that occur in isolated moments and aren’t sustained over time.

This type of sexual reaction can occur due to several factors. Some of them are the following:

  • Stress
  • Fatigue
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Not knowing the sexual partner
  • Pressure to have sex

In such cases, you may not be able to engage in satisfactory sexual intercourse at times. Even so, these are experiences that occur on specific occasions and aren’t sustained for weeks or months.

Conversely, when the problem persists for a significant amount of time, such as six or more months, there may be another cause behind it. In cases where you have difficulty getting an erection during intercourse or maintaining it throughout the act, it’s best to seek help for erectile dysfunction from a doctor.

You can also read: Erectile Dysfunction: Silence Hidden Under the Sheets


A couple sitting with their backs to each other on opposite sides of the bed, both looking frustrated.

How does it affect you?

Don’t let problems in bed dominate your life and seek help for erectile dysfunction from a professional.

Recurrent erectile dysfunction not only makes it difficult to have sexual encounters. In addition, there are other consequences that you may experience. First of all, it can affect your relationships if there’s no satisfactory sex life.

Loss of intimacy is one of the biggest problems because it can make your partner feel unwanted or unattractive to you. In turn, it can cause you to experience stress, depression, and even a diminished sense of masculinity.

However, it’s important to discuss this with your sexual partner. Together you can find a way to solve it without the burden falling on you. Ideally, you should be able to treat the causes of erectile dysfunction so that it stops happening.

Possible causes of erectile dysfunction

According to information from the National Health Service of the United Kingdom, erectile dysfunction can often be a sign of possible underlying diseases. In this regard, it’s important to know that it’s not always an independent problem.

Some of the diseases that may contribute to this discomfort are the following:

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Hormonal imbalances
  • Obesity
  • The use of certain medications

In these cases, if you suspect you suffer from any of these conditions or have a confirmed diagnosis, it’s best to consult a health specialist. Treating the underlying diseases can be a solution to diminish and end erectile dysfunction.

In addition to the conditions mentioned above, there are other factors that can influence this problem. Among them, psychological causes and bad habits are some of the circumstances that can complicate the condition. We’ll tell you more about them below.

1. Psychological factors

Most of the time, physical factors are what promote erectile dysfunction. However, psychological causes can also be to blame for this problem.

Research published in the medical journal Andrology suggested that stress, anxiety, depression, sexual performance anxiety, or relationship problems may contribute to sexual difficulties. So, if you think that a psychological problem is causing your ED, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

2. Age and lifestyle factors

We already mentioned that erectile dysfunction problems can occur at any age. However, as men age, it’s normal for sexual performance to naturally decline. Especially after the age of 50.

However, just because it’s a natural problem doesn’t mean that it should be dismissed. It’s advisable to see a physician for consultation.

According to research by American Family Physician, some habits can influence ED. For example, smoking, drug use, excessive alcohol intake, a sedentary lifestyle, or a poor diet. These types of practices can be modified with medical help. You can even consult with a nutritionist or fitness trainer.

A man stretching while exercising along the shore.

What can you do to improve erectile dysfunction?

Eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly can help to enliven your sex life.

As we’ve repeatedly mentioned, when the problem is persistent, it’s best to consult a health professional. Some treatments, such as psychosexual therapies are often helpful in the absence of an underlying disease.

But if, on the contrary, the cause of ED is a medical condition, the professional will know how to indicate the best treatment to reduce the symptoms. If deemed appropriate, vasodilator drugs with components such as sildenafil, vardenafil, or tadalafil, can help you to have an erection.

Also, there are several changes you can make to improve your discomfort. Good options are diet or exercise if you’re overweight. Similarly, it’s often helpful to restrict alcohol intake and stop smoking.

Don’t underestimate the condition; seek help for erectile dysfunction

ED is a condition that can impact your daily life. Therefore, it’s important to recognize the indicators and seek help for erectile dysfunction without delay. With the right assistance, it’s possible to regain sexual confidence and intimacy.

Remember that this type of sexual problem can be occasional. However, when it’s prolonged over time and changes in habits don’t help, it’s best to consult a doctor.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.