Discover the Factors Behind Procrastination

Anxiety, depression, self-demand... There are factors behind procrastination that you must face to be more productive. Discover them here.
Discover the Factors Behind Procrastination
Valeria Sabater

Written and verified by the psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Last update: 14 May, 2024

You have to hand in that pending project tomorrow, and yet you don’t have the mood or energy to turn on the computer. You get angry with yourself because that situation makes you desperate and you know there’ll be consequences, but you can’t help it. Now, if you’re wondering what causes this behavior, we’ll tell you that the factors behind procrastination are quite complex.

What happens to you isn’t always due to simple laziness or lack of responsibility. The continued act of postponing tasks and obligations is explained by multiple psychological factors. Sometimes, it’s anxiety, fear of failure, or even underlying depression. In the following article, we’ll describe what factors trigger this type of reality.

People are tired of simple things. They want to be challenged.

~ Umberto Eco (Apocalyptic and Integrated, 1964) ~

7 factors behind procrastination

Procrastination is the act of delaying tasks or obligations until the last minute and even delaying their completion. The most frustrating thing about this experience is that you often waste time on the most insubstantial activities, such as spending hours on social media. In psychology, we know that such behavior camouflages the weight of negatively valenced emotions.

A work published by Frontiers in Psychology describes the impact of this factor on university students. Generally, postponing what needs to be done is explained by physical triggers such as simple fatigue, but there are also slightly more serious dimensions. In many cases, there are psychological problems that are overlooked. Let’s delve into this below.

Procrastination, a silent reality that hurts

As you’ve come to see, the factors behind procrastination are multiple and complex. The most striking thing is that, in most cases, this reality is experienced in a self-annihilating way, given that it’s not something voluntary nor is it a behavior that’s easily controlled. Generally, seeing that you can’t carry out your obligations further destroys your self-image.

If you’ve been trapped in this vicious cycle of discomfort for a while, try to deactivate it. Apply some of the suggestions described above and act with new mental approaches and more proactive habits. Sometimes small changes give way to motivating transformations. You deserve to feel good and regain your usual productivity.

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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.