We Are Not Distant, We Are Different

We Are Not Distant, We Are Different

Last update: 01 February, 2017

I was afraid this would happen from the day I met you, especially because beginning to give you part of what I am meant also baring my heart and making it accessible on all sides. Now it is time to accept it: we are not distant, we are different and, together, we must learn to separate.

You and I had risked everything we earned to build our own: keeping your essence and mine, cultivating our spaces, offering everything that could help us grow. And yet, we have grown at different times and we have not been able to adapt to the changes.

The relationship has become cold and we have changed

Our relationship is no longer what it was and, as much as we try hard not to believe it, nothing can be done to save it. I know we’re okay, that deep down we love each other and we want the best for each other, but we have become cold and we are inadvertently hurting  ourselves without realizing it.

frozen heart

We have changed and now we are two different people that had many plans in common that are not going to take shape. There will be voids, various breaks and tears because we had set our hopes to come true.

“Sometimes we have to abandon the life we had planned because we are no longer the same person who made those plans.”


When there is no faith in a dream, at the same time you’ll lose all of your efforts for something that no longer leads to anywhere. Therefore it cannot be. Although it hurts to abandon the hopes we had, the circumstances no longer make sense.

The ‘comfort zone’

It may be that we are in this situation of no return because the trust that had joined us kept us in a comfort zone. After all this time, the comfort of the routine makes us fear what will happen when we end what we have.

We are trying to convince ourselves that we are doing well, but we both know that we have put an unbridgeable distance between us. We must leave our comfort zone and stop lying to ourselves. We aren’t the same people we were when we met, and now we do not fit: we have to accept it.

“If you insist on staying in your comfort zone, you will not go far.”

-Catherine Pulsifer-

What remains is no longer love

We have been a couple full of complexities that have been treated with respect and love, but now the only things standing between you and me are compassion, love and nostalgia. The magic is gone and no one could do anything about it: sometimes it takes more to maintain a relationship that is beyond our reach.

sad woman

The incredible moments we spent together remain in our memory and we will remember them later. When two people really love each other, the only thing left are the gaps of mutual appreciation, because the only damage that has been done comes from the outside: we are forced to change and we cannot avoid it.

“Someone once said that at the time when you stop to think if you love someone, you’ve stopped loving them forever…”

-Carlos Ruiz Zafón-

For all this, I think it’s better not to continue thinking that we are distant and that this distance is temporary because we both know that’s not true. Sometimes life forces us to make decisions like this one which we would not have imagined. It is best for us.

We, As Before, Are Not The Same

We’re not the same from that time: experience has changed us and our social circle has had it with us. See more

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.