Stomach Pain and Mental Health

Stomach Pain and Mental Health

Last update: 02 September, 2020

Anxiety and stress are mental health problems that can cause a physiological imbalance. This imbalance can manifest itself in several ways, such as stomach pain. Thus, it’s beneficial to control your daily concern levels. This is because it’s an excellent way of increasing your overall well-being.

Everything that happens at the psychological level inevitably affects the physical level. Therefore, maintaining a mental balance is fundamental to be able to ward off discomfort in any of its forms. Although daily problems are inevitable, people should ideally maintain peaceful states and not let their problems alter their composure.

The World Health Organization (WHO), in its joint press release with the World Bank Group, Investing in treatment for depression and anxiety leads to fourfold return, reported that common mental disorders are increasing worldwide.

“Humanitarian emergencies and ongoing conflict add further to the need for scale-up of treatment options. WHO estimates that, during emergencies, as many as 1 in 5 people are affected by depression and anxiety.”

-World Health Organization-

Between 1990 and 2013, the number of people with anxiety or depression increased by 50% on a global scale. In other words, 615 million people might be suffering from one of these conditions today.

Girl with stomach pain.

Mental health should be a priority

Arthur Kleinman is a professor of Medical Anthropology and Psychiatry at Harvard University and world expert on mental health. Kleinman has carried out various studies related to social suffering and mental health.

Mental health is a huge public health issue. The WHO reported that “The estimated costs of scaling up treatment, primarily psychosocial counseling and antidepressant medication, amounted to US$ 147 billion “. However, it also reported that the benefits far outweigh the costs.

“We need to provide treatment, now, to those who need it most, and in the communities where they live. Until we do, mental illness will continue to eclipse the potential of people and economies.”

-Arthur Kleinman-

In this sense, WHO ensures that it’s essential to expand mental health services on a global scale. As a result, we’d be able to ensure well-being for the entire population at different socioeconomic levels.

WHO also clarifies that the Sustainable Development Goals, approved by the United Nations General Assembly, propose reducing a third of premature deaths by non-contagious diseases by 2030. It plans to achieve this by promoting prevention and treatment of mental illnesses.

Curing stomach pain

Stomach pain can be really hard to deal with. Thus, if you suffer from it, it’s advisable to lower your anxiety levels because they may be causing your symptoms. If you have permanent symptoms, the best thing to do is to consult a specialist who can identify the cause as well as the correct treatment.

Generally, anxiety causes indigestion and an acute stomach pain that we often can’t detect in time. Stomach pain is the obvious result of living in daily chaos, filled with various concerns that affect the body.

“Mental health needs to be a global humanitarian and development priority — and a priority in every country.”

-Arthur Kleinman-

Woman suffering from stomach pain.

When stomach pain becomes chronic, it wreaks havoc. We can’t sleep right, our digestive system starts to malfunction, and our state of mind is prone to negativity.

When we start to feel a discomfort, it’s best to go to a specialist. In short, stomach pain or any other kind of ailment is a wake-up call that must be evaluated in time to be able to detect any kind of abnormality.

This physical imbalance will affect all our body’s systems. It causes a discomfort that affects our general well-being. Stomach pain can be a sign that there’s something in our life that we should changeIf not, we could suffer from poor health.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.