Genuine People: Humans Who Inspire

Being authentic is something that is increasingly difficult thanks to social networks and the standards of beauty and behavior that they impose on us.
Genuine People: Humans Who Inspire
Valeria Sabater

Written and verified by the psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Last update: 03 April, 2024

Genuine people prioritize healthy relationships. They are honest people, free of prejudice and independent when it comes to making their own way. Genuine people believe in mutual respect, reciprocity, and the values that combat hypocrisy. They are authentic examples of goodness, and they serve to inspire and motivate others to be better people. 

A few years ago Forbes magazine published a very interesting article on this very subject. The author talked about how these days, emotional intelligence is a basic resource. It helps us become more personally satisfied on a personal and professional level. However, this emotional ability has a small and curious “trap.”

“Authenticity requires vulnerability, transparency & integrity.”

-Janet Louise Stephenson-

Emotional intelligence doesn’t do much good unless the person is genuine. This is something we can often see in business leaders.  Managers, supervisors, and bosses receive training in social skills like assertiveness, empathy, emotional management, etc. However, none of that training makes them effective at an organization level. Something is missing. 

People who aren’t genuine will never be able to motivate a business’s human capital. They lack that authentic dimension that encompasses transparency, sincerity, and closeness. They won’t be able or know how to motivate others. Nor will they inspire confidence or create a positive working environment. Their words and actions won’t be admirable or inspirational.

genuine people

Are genuine people born or made?

There are courses everywhere offering to teach you to be emotionally intelligent. But can you really learn to be a genuine person? Are people born this way, or is it something you acquire over time? First you should remember that we are talking about a personality type. This whole set of attitudes, thoughts, behavior, and psychological dynamics are the result of various factors.

As the geneticist Dean Hamer points out, there are certain biological components that we have to consider. For example, we know that there is a gene that regulates the amount of dopamine released in the nucleus accumbens of the brain. This would mean, for example, that people are “genetically” predisposed to motivation, seeking out new experiences. It could even indicate a greater or lesser capacity for happiness.

That being said, educational factors, sociocultural context, and personal experience still play an important role. Personality is like a sculpture made from lower or higher-quality material. You can always add things to it, or use other techniques to better shape each detail.

Genuine people can come into the world with an already defined personality. However, you can also change if you have willpower, an open mind, and the right strategies. You can smooth your rough edges and fill in the gaps to make a more beautiful, authentic, and holistic psychological garden.

How to learn to be more genuine

These days, there aren’t any psychological or emotional dimensions that can’t be trained. Human beings have an amazing (and often underestimated) capacity for change. As long as you are committed to and responsible for a personal change, it is possible to advance. Let’s take a look at how to shape a genuine personality.

Practice sincerity

Practicing sincerity must be a habit and a personal obligation. That being said, this practice has some subtle aspects to consider.

  • First of all, genuine people take their time to be aware of their needs. They foster appropriate self-reflection so they can get to know themselves better and understand their limits and their worth.
  • Likewise, genuine people are careful about how and what they communicate. They use sincerity, but also respect. They are good at expressing their opinion in an assertive way.
  • On the other hand, genuine people aren’t looking to convince or convert anyone with their arguments. They express their opinions directly, but they don’t need anyone to agree with what they say.

Internal motivation

Genuine and authentic people act according to their ideals and beliefsThey don’t need external approval. Nor do they feel the need to fulfill other’s expectations. As you might imagine, being authentic also requires a certain measure of courage.

Emotional recovery skills

It is easy to end up paralyzed after disappointments, failures, and loss. However, if you refuse to deal with these negative emotions, you will end up getting in your own way. Genuine people are resilient. Their resilience allows them to accept their low moments, learn from them, and recover. Then, they can move on to the next stage as quickly as possible.

They don’t fear failure, they have a vision for the future

Authentic people have an internal compass and they forge their path as they go. If they fail one day, they make a new path. They try to find a different bridge to cross. If they feel unmotivated and blue, they stop and rest. The future is always there, full of possibilities and hopes. Genuine people find hope there, that is where they place their dreams.

Generosity and social awareness

Few people are more socially aware than those who are genuine with you. If you really want to be like them, imitate them. After all, we aren’t alone in this. Other people are part of you. And you are part of them. Respect, harmony, and reciprocity have repercussions for your emotional well-being.

In order to do that, you have to forget your prejudices. That will help you reach a level of authenticity. Free yourself from criticism and outdated perspectives. Let go of stereotypes and labels that objectify people. Open yourself up to shared experience, and learn from those around you.

Developing these emotional and social skills requires courage, humility, and personal integrity. Try putting this into practice!


This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.