It's Clear That You Make Love by Talking

It's Clear That You Make Love by Talking

Last update: 28 July, 2022

You make love by talking. But not just talking with words, talking with your body, your attitude, tongue and glances…Because you can’t reduce an expression that intense to a simple sexual act.

Making love is to make poetry, with your body and your mind, with your whole being. Because you make love with intertwined bodies and souls, united in their maximum emotional expression.

So, yes, Lacan was right when he said it was clear that you make love by talking. You can’t reduce love to a “simple” carnal act. Because with a glance, with a being, with “all of you and all of me” you can transmit that tenderness, mystery and rush of desire.

“What I like about your body is the sex.
What I like about your sex is your mouth.
And what I like about your mouth is your tongue.
What I like about your tongue is your words.”
-Julio Cortázar-

couple embracing

The eroticism behind glances, the prelude of an emotional undressing

You don’t get completely naked until the eroticism of glances exceeds the carnal barrier. We seduce each other through numerous acts. We connect through emotions, and become entrapped in the labels that good love making instigates us to create.

Words, uplifting in their maximum expression, get us closer to an emotional undressing. That way of baring it all hints on the horizon, but very few couples actually reach it.

However, the reflection hidden within these words is that making love is not the same thing as having sex. Definitely not. At least not from the idea of love we share as a culture. Having sex can be understood as loving the skin of another, but not their interior. Or, at least, not an inner world that goes beyond what is essentially represented.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.