The 7 C Method Helps You Achieve Your Goals

The 7 C method is a simple tool that helps you to reflect on the concepts that help you make decisions and achieve goals. It helps you sort your ideas and emotions in order to achieve a purpose.
The 7 C Method Helps You Achieve Your Goals

Last update: 14 May, 2021

The 7 C method acts as a kind of guide that reminds you of the pillars the paths to your goals rest on. Each of these factors contributes to a smooth transition from desire to action.

This tool is particularly valuable when you set out to achieve a goal that isn’t easy to achieve. When you want to do something (or stop doing something), you need to make an effort and stay motivated. The 7 C method helps you to remember everything you need to do this.

Although the 7 C method doesn’t guarantee success, it’s extremely helpful, e specially if you feel that you’re starting to drift away from your ultimate goal. It allows you to reorder your ideas and identify any factors that might be hindering you. Let’s find out what it’s all about.

“I’m always doing that which I can’t do, in order that I may learn how to do it.”

-Pablo Picasso-

Conviction, the basis of the 7 C method

The 7 C method claims that it’s impossible to achieve your goals if you don’t have the full conviction of the importance of achieving them. In fact, you need to feel they’re the best thing for you and that your life will be greatly enriched if you accomplish them.

Conviction is the basis of motivation. In turn, motivation is essential to guarantee that you keep trying. Therefore, before you start striving for a goal, make sure you have a clear idea of your reasons for doing so.

Capacity, make sure you’re ready

When you set out to reach a goal, it’s important that you also set yourself a time limit in which to achieve it. Thinking about it in advance is a good way to find out if you’re ready or not to go for it. You must be very honest with yourself.

If you realize you still have some things to do before heading towards your goal, you should reconsider. Perhaps you should set some preliminary goals that are more in line with what you’re able to do right now.

Courage, every achievement requires courage

Every achievement requires courage, usually in two ways. Firstly, the courage you need to set a goal and set off along the path to accomplishing it. Because there’s no guarantee that you’ll actually achieve it. In fact, many people don’t start because they’re too afraid of failing.

Secondly, you require courage to face the slip-ups along the way that can stop you from moving forward. In fact, they might seem like insurmountable obstacles at the time. That’s when you need the courage to keep going.

Clarity, know where you’re going

This is a really important factor in the 7 C method. A s long as you’ve formulated your goal in a clear and precise manner, you’ll have a greater chance of achieving it. A well-planned goal means you’ll have a more definite idea of where you want to end up.

However, this isn’t enough. You also need to ask yourself how you’re going to achieve what you’ve set out to do. What steps do you need to take? What goals do you have to meet in order to achieve your ultimate goal? Both your journey and your destination are important.

Compassion, be kind to yourself

You’ll probably go through times when things don’t go as planned. Furthermore, you might realize at some point that you were wrong or made a mistake while carrying out your plans.

The 7 C method tells you that you must be compassionate with yourself. Beating yourself up or judging yourself too harshly isn’t going to do you any good. In fact, it’ll only achieve the opposite. Because, in difficult times, you must always be your own best friend.

Connection, don’t go it alone

Even if your goal is individual, people are going to participate in or benefit from what you’re doing. For this reason, be careful to avoid burying yourself too deeply in what you’re trying to achieve. If you’re too single-minded, you might find yourself becoming obsessive or secretive.

It’s always a positive move to share your ideas with others and listen to their thoughts. In fact, they could help you enrich your plans and give you extra drive.

The final 7 C, commitment

The word commitment comes from 17th-century Anglo-French “commettement”, which means “the pledging or engaging of oneself, a pledge, or a promise”. In this case, the promise is with yourself.

This promise you’ve made yourself means that you’re actually doing what you want, free from outside pressure. That’s what conviction, clarity, and connection are for. They allow you to sketch out your future plans.

The usefulness of the 7 C method

Above all, the 7 C method is a tool for analysis and reflection. It’s worth considering before you make any plans to achieve specific goals. It’s also worth coming back to now and again if you feel like you’re wavering at any point.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.