Heal Your Wounds and Free Yourself Emotionally

Heal Your Wounds and Free Yourself Emotionally
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by the psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 16 November, 2021

When it comes to talking about emotional wounds, we don’t only mean the damage that other people may have caused you.

As a matter of fact, you’re responsible yourself for many of these constraints and feelings of emptiness.

Some thoughts hurt. In addition, your attitude towards life at times also erodes your soul and the way you relate to the world.

Healing and correcting these types of internal constructions is a way of being emotionally free. However, first of all, you must undertake a healthy exercise of reflection and have a clear desire to want to change things from the inside.

That’s where your true emotional force resides.

You probably think you have a great sense of freedom, but you don’t. You’re controlled by your often limiting beliefs, and your emotional wounds, which bind you… However, how can you be emotionally reborn to be truly free?

Keys to achieving emotional freedom


First of all, we must be clear that not all people are the same, nor do we all have the same emotional baggage.

However, when talking about thoughts and emotions that limit personal growth, and freedom, there are some basic points that are worth taking into account to reflect on. They’re as follows:

1. Don’t be afraid of emotional pain

Pain, like suffering, can’t be hidden in a secret corner of your body. Every wound bleeds, every emotional pain is cried, shouted, or felt in all its abyss of loneliness.

Your emotions aren’t your enemies nor do they define you. For example, you might feel the suffering of disappointment at a very specific moment in your life. Nevertheless, your entire existence won’t, at least it shouldn’t be, colored by that feeling.

Pain is lived in the here and now. It must be understood and managed in the healthiest way possible. Otherwise, if you choose to hide these emotions, you’ll be chained for life, and your personal and emotional freedom will only be an illusion.

2. You must learn to understand yourself

Have you made a mistake? Have you invested part of your time and your life in a person who, perhaps, didn’t deserve it? If so, don’t punish yourself or label yourself as ‘unsuccessful’, even less as a ‘failure’.

No life that’s worth living is immune from mistakes. Furthermore, any aspect that you consider as a ‘mistake’ is actually a learning process for you. It’s an experience from which you can come out even stronger.

Be understanding with yourself and accept that the last thing you should do is create or feed a feeling of guilt about what happened.

Guilt drags you down, drowns you, and poisons you. It’s the enemy of emotional freedom. Keep an open mind and accept every experience, good and bad, because that’s what life’s all about.

Try to wake up every morning with a renewed desire. Open yourself up to others, knowing that you deserve to be happy again, and block that torrent of negative thoughts that so often imprisons you.


Every effort you make, every step you take to be happy again, will be a way of freeing yourself from your mistakes and guilt. Feed your dreams and avoid nurturing your disappointments.

3. You can’t change those who hurt you

If you have to live with a family, parents, or siblings who hurt you in any way, you must be very clear that you can’t change them. You can’t alter their way of understanding things or their personalities.

However, in order to be emotionally free, you must heal their influence on you. You’re the person who matters and you’re the one who’s suffering.

You’ve internalized many of those things that have been done to you in the past. They’ve created an invisible wound, and that’s where your chains of imprisonment are.

Free yourself. Know that they can no longer hurt you. Try to forgive them, but move forward at the same time by setting boundaries.

Heal their words, heal the pain of disappointment or contempt, and let go of your burdens. Then, raise your voice and make it clear that you’re no longer going to be a victim. You’re healed, you’ve been reborn, and you’re emotionally free.

4. Heal your roots

What do we mean by healing your roots? It’s undoubtedly a complex aspect that supports many personal areas, experiences, and psychological constructs. However, it’s enough simply to take the following dimensions into account:

  • Deactivate your ego in your day-to-day routine. This will allow you to have a broader and freer vision of things.
  • Don’t submit yourself to your circumstances and don’t fight with them as this fosters hatred and resentment. Avoid extremes because the two dimensions anchor you and drag you down. Maintain balance, inner peace, and prioritize your emotional freedom above all else.
  • Don’t try protecting yourself under a non-objective kind of positivism. It’s not about drawing smiles when you’re feeling sad because, if you do that, you beautify the leaves of your tree without taking into account that your roots are diseased.
  • Feel your emotions and manage them appropriately. Otherwise, you’ll end up wearing a mask that’s really not like you at all. Personal growth requires being courageous and upright with yourself.
fear of freedom

“Running away from fear is fear; fighting pain is pain; trying to be brave is being scared. If the mind is in pain, the mind is pain.”

-Alan Watts-

Images Courtesy: Kelly Vivanco

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.