I Don’t Want To Be Perfect, I Want To Make Mistakes!
4 minutes
Last update: 19 February, 2016
I want to make mistakes, without fear, without regrets; in fact, I’ve already done it, and if I have decided on this at the right time, it is because I thought about it reasonably and followed my heart, which was the best choice for me.
“Don’t waste time worrying about past mistakes; learn from them and move on.”
I want to be imperfect, not demand so much of myself or others. I recognize that all of us make mistakes; today me, tomorrow you, and that’s it, no more grudges against you or feelings of guilt inside me, those that cause me so much pain.
I want make my own decisions and not always be dependent on the praise of others, because it is going to be me who has the final word. And of course I will listen to the opinions of others, I will listen to their advice, as long as they are in good faith…
But I don’t want to fool myself, because deep down, I know what is good for me. Even if you tell me that bungee jumping is the best experience in the world, that I should try it, and that I’m a coward if I don’t do it, I will not do it, because bungee jumping is not for me…
I don’t want to compare myself with anyone else, nor do what other people are doing, nor be jealous of other peoples’ accomplishments or brag about my own triumphs. I only want to follow my path, being proud of my wise decisions and my mistakes. I don’t want to be perfect, neither for myself nor for others, because now I want to make mistakes!
As such, I will make the decisions that I think are right and if I mess up, go back to the drawing board, because that is the game of life, getting it right and messing up, getting it right again to mess it up again…
I will always manage to do things without hurting anyone else, but if I mess up, if I hurt someone else’s feelings, I will ask for their forgiveness and I will always forgive myself.
Because we are all imperfect, we all make mistakes, because this is what humans do, they make mistakes, so I will set the bar lower… because I no longer want to pressure myself, being the perfect child that everyone loved and praised. Now I will be the one that loves what I am doing, with my virtues and my various flaws.
They can say what they want, I just want to be at peace with myself and get rid of this burden that I carry on my back and which weighs me down, stop torturing myself over my mistakes and constantly throwing them in my own face.
So now, finally, I have no interest in being perfect like I did before, NO! I want to learn to be a bit indulgent with myself… I know that it will be difficult, because I always demanded too much of myself and I also made it difficult for others; but I am ready and excited, very excited to try it, and this is why I am happy today, too.”
Some advice for perfectionists:
Learn to love yourself. You can be self-critical without destroying yourself. We learn from our mistakes, and they are the foundation of our lessons.
If you make a mistake, and it causes you anxiety, take care of your body and mind. You can meditate, relax, or do any other activity that helps you to disconnect. Do you like to see your loved ones sick? Well your first loved one is yourself.
Learn that there is a saying that goes like this: “All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.” There is a reason for this. As I have already said, we learn from our mistakes. Thanks to them, we can improve and grow.
Look around you. Are other people perfect? No. So why do you have to be? Do not be afraid that they will love you less because of your mistakes. Those who love you, love you for the full package.
“We’re allowed to make a lot of mistakes in our lives except the mistake that destroys us.”
-Paulo Coelho-
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.