Shaktipat: The Transmission of Spiritual Energy

What do quantum physics, Eastern philosophies and psychology have to do with each other? Today we will talk about a curious theory that defends that matter is connected in a very special way, with implications in the psychological field.
Shaktipat: The Transmission of Spiritual Energy
Sergio De Dios González

Reviewed and approved by the psychologist Sergio De Dios González.

Written by Edith Sánchez

Last update: 19 May, 2024

Shaktipat is a concept that comes from Eastern philosophies, more specifically, Hinduism. It originates from the Sanskrit words shakti, meaning (psychic) energy, and pata, meaning to fall. It consists of the transmission of spiritual energy from one individual to another. In fact, it’s believed that the term refers to the transfer of energy (shakti) from a spiritual teacher to a student. This awakens the student’s consciousness and accelerates their inner progress.

You might be thinking that this concept probably involves paranormal phenomena and unfounded beliefs. However, although there’s no conclusive scientific theory concerning shaktipat, there are a number of indications and studies that relate the phenomenon to a scientific theory backed by a good body of evidence. This is the theory of quantum entanglement.

The idea of shaktipat (the transmission of energy) and quantum entanglement share the premise that communication at a distance between two objects can exist via unknown channels. Originally, Albert Einstein called this mechanism “spooky action at a distance.” He considered it a crazy theory and didn’t think it to be possible. But, today, scientists have tested this phenomenon.

“The difficulty for neuroscientists in accepting the results might be analogous to trying to rationalize how a visually compromised, flying mammal (a bat) avoids collisions with objects in complete darkness, prior to the understanding of ultrasound.”

– Ventura, Saroka, and Persinger –

Quantum entanglement

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon explained in terms of quantum mechanics (the subatomic plane). It suggests that two particles can maintain a connection, even though they’re physically separated.

Metaphorically speaking, it’s as if there were two apples connected in different places on the planet. For example, one in your hand and another in the Far East. The one in the East starts to go brown. Suddenly, the one in your hand does too.

It might seem crazy, but it isn’t. In fact, the scientists Alain Aspect, John Clauser, and Anton Zeilinger won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2022 for their developments in this topic and its application in computing. Therefore, quantum entanglement isn’t merely a theory but is supported by empirical evidence.

However, how does it relate to shaktipat? One hypothesis states that this interrelation not only occurs in the subatomic world but also in other areas. As a matter of fact, scientists believe that the human brain acts as one of the particles connected to another particle (the brain of another person). But, how is this possible?

Woman meditating and obtaining energy from within to transmit it to others
Shaktipat produces the energy transfer known as kundalini.

Shaktipat: real or fake?

Eastern philosophies believe, at least theoretically, that it’s possible, through meditation, for this kind of contact between two humans to be established at a distance. When shaktipat occurs, a meditator transfers energy. This leads to another individual experiencing kundalini.

Kundalini is described as a state that ‘kindles the inner fire’. It’s like an injection of energy that the receiver experiences as a sudden state of illumination. This transmission of energy is also said to be healing for the mind and body. Although there are several published testimonials, one of the most interesting was published in 2016. It was entitled “Speculation on Shaktipat as Spooky Action at a Distance”.

In this document, the author, a naturally cautious physicist, narrates a personal experience. He was in Austin, Texas (United States) and a friend of his asked him for a photograph, without telling him why.

A couple of weeks later, he woke up in the morning, began to meditate, and suddenly felt that his brain “had been charged like a battery.” Moreover, it seemed to him as if his consciousness had expanded “to reach the whole universe.” It could be said that he was experiencing kundalini.

The process of shaktipat

Shortly after this event, the physicist learned that his photograph had been delivered to the yogi, Gurumayi Chidvilasananda, who’d been in New York, the night before his strange experience. It seemed that the event had been a transmission of energy from the yogi. Immediately, the physicist linked it with Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance” theory and quantum entanglement.

The whole experience lasted four hours. During the first two, he experienced a feeling of fullness. He described this as an energization of his mind. Over the next two hours, this state gradually began to weaken. Eventually, he was plunged into unconsciousness.

To date, the author has been unable to give a plausible explanation for his experience. It wasn’t until several years later that he decided to write about the event and linked it with quantum physics.

When explaining the phenomenon, he speaks of ‘speculations’ or hypotheses because there’s no evidence capable of reliably supporting these accounts. However, his work opened new horizons, as he cited countless experiments on quantum entanglement, carried out under controlled conditions. This article is well worth reading, providing you maintain an open and critical mind.

Man hands hold ball of subatomic particles
There’s still no solid evidence linking quantum mechanics to spiritual energy. But, there’s evidence that subatomic particles are entangled.

Further research

To date, it hasn’t been demonstrated that quantum mechanics is directly related to consciousness or spiritual energy. Therefore, any statement in this regard remains speculative.

However, quantum mechanics demonstrates that subatomic particles are entangled. It means their behavior is closely related, regardless of the distance between them.

This has led some theorists to explore the idea that consciousness and spiritual energy may be part of quantum mechanics. Added to this is the fact that the transmission of energy, through techniques such as shaktipat, could have a scientific basis.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.