About the author
Graduated in Hispanic Philology, Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature from the University of Zaragoza (2018). His final degree project was entitled " V for Vendetta: from comics to cinema . An approach to the new revolutionary symbols of mass society". The work earned a grade of 10 and honors. In 2021 he obtained a Master's degree in Fantastic Cinema and Contemporary Fiction from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and the Sitges Film Festival .
He has taken a variety of courses and workshops to broaden his training. These include the Course on Italian Cinema and Contemporary Narrative (grade: 9.3), the course “Women and migrations: new realities and imaginaries” (University of Zaragoza and Fernando el Católico Institution), the seminar “ Hidden traces of the past: beyond monumental heritage ” (University of Zaragoza and the Fernando el Católico Institution) and its participation in the “Conference on gender and history teaching: absences in the construction of the past”.
Leah is passionate about letters and cinema, artistic categories that she interprets together. This is complemented by his inclination towards writing, a task in which he carries out his analyzes using his two great passions as a reference.