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Leah Padalino

Film review

Hispanic philologist with studies in Fantastic Film and Contemporary Fiction. Leah Padalino has conducted several workshops, seminars, and courses aimed at broadening her understanding of film and literature. These two artistic categories include his two greatest passions, which are also complemented by his love of writing.

About the author

Graduated in Hispanic Philology, Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature from the University of Zaragoza (2018). His final degree project was entitled " V for Vendetta: from comics to cinema . An approach to the new revolutionary symbols of mass society". The work earned a grade of 10 and honors. In 2021 he obtained a Master's degree in Fantastic Cinema and Contemporary Fiction from the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and the Sitges Film Festival .

He has taken a variety of courses and workshops to broaden his training. These include the Course on Italian Cinema and Contemporary Narrative (grade: 9.3), the course “Women and migrations: new realities and imaginaries” (University of Zaragoza and Fernando el Católico Institution), the seminar “ Hidden traces of the past: beyond monumental heritage ” (University of Zaragoza and the Fernando el Católico Institution) and its participation in the “Conference on gender and history teaching: absences in the construction of the past”.

Leah is passionate about letters and cinema, artistic categories that she interprets together. This is complemented by his inclination towards writing, a task in which he carries out his analyzes using his two great passions as a reference.