Letting Go Is Realizing That Some People Are Part of Your History

Letting Go Is Realizing That Some People Are Part of Your History

Last update: 28 July, 2022

Letting go is realizing that some people are part of your history, not your destiny.  This doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt. Saying goodbye always hurts, even when it’s been a while coming. This is one of the emotional laws that rule our interactions with others in life.

There are some relationships (or people) that make an impression on your life, but however much you fight for them, however much you try to save them, however much you love them, no matter how much they should stay, with a single puff they collapse. It’s not nice saying goodbye, but sometimes it is liberating and it is in that freedom that both beauty and need are found.

Because, sometimes, we need to leave to be happy, to leave behind a life of pain and worry, to abandon emotional uncertainty, to reach inner peace and to be the makers of our own emotional freedom.

It is better to step away and leave a nice memory than to insist and become a real nuisance. You can’t lose what you never had, you can’t keep what isn’t yours and you can’t cling onto something that doesn’t want to stay.

It’s best to say goodbye without leaving anything unspoken

You have to learn to say goodbye to people who hurt a part of you, bearing in mind that we can extract a lesson for the future from absolutely every experience. This doesn’t mean that, sometimes, it’s not worth the sadness that pushes us to drift apart. Because it’s good to love and learn from the relationships that don’t work out.

This is reflected very well by the great writer Gabriel García Márquez. From the following passage we can learn a lot about the importance of loving with all our strength even when this love has a full stop that marks it endpoint: 

“If I knew that today would be the last time I’d watch you fall asleep, I would hug you tight and pray to be the guardian of your soul. If I knew that this would be the last time you would leave through this door, I would hug you, kiss you, and call you back to give you more.

If I knew that this would be the last time I would hear your voice, I’d record each word to be able to hear them over and over again indefinitely. If I knew that these would be the last minutes that I would see you, I would tell you I love you and not just assume foolishly that you already know it.

There is always a tomorrow and life gives us another opportunity to get things right, but, in case I’m mistaken and today is all we have, I want to tell you how much I love you and that I will never forget you.

Tomorrow is not guaranteed for anyone, young or old. Today could be the last time you see those you love. So don’t wait any longer, do it today, because if tomorrow never comes, for sure you will regret the day that you didn’t take the time for a smile, a hug or a kiss, and that you were too busy to give that last wish.

Keep those you love close by, whisper in their ears how much you need them, love them and treat them well, take time to say “sorry”, “forgive me”, “please”, “thank you” and all the words of love you know. Nobody will remember you for your secret thoughts.”

When saying goodbye hurts, open your eyes and accept the lesson

There’s nothing sadder than a goodbye. Because goodbye forever is goodbye forever, but just goodbye is until when? However long loves, friendships or any other kind of relationships last, they should be based on expressing our feelings, emotions and thoughts.

It’s important that we don’t end up with the feeling of not having said what we felt. Because saying goodbye is more painful when our quill still holds ink. If we don’t use it, it will dry up and probably ruin our writing tool.

Put another way, our emotional past will determine our present. So it is important to work with our feelings, emotions and thoughts depending what we’re experiencing at the moment.

So keep this in mind: saying goodbye hurts, but the most painful goodbyes are those that aren’t spoken, those in which unresolved issues are left in a golden box with many corners that can hurt our heart.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.