Knowing My Vulnerability Allows Me To Move Forward

Knowing My Vulnerability Allows Me To Move Forward

Last update: 24 April, 2016

Vulnerability is what makes us unique beings. By recognizing our weaknesses we accept our human condition. However, many times we insist on hiding everything that makes us feel weak and not wanting to admit it, and this makes us present ourselves to others as not being authentic.

When we cover parts of who we are, we fall into self-deception, deny our essence, and lose our connection with other people.

Somehow in our culture there is a pattern of behavior that leads us to hide our weaknesses. Where we also have to pretend and believe that we must strive to be the best.

woman looking at the horizon

The pressure to be “the best”

When we perform our daily roles, both professionally and personally, we propose that we always have to be the best no matter what. 

This belief is the daily life of many people who live with the illusion that their lives consist of having to be the best at what they consider important.

But reality puts us all in our place, bringing to light our limitations, and our difficulties, in light of circumstances that are constantly changing over which we have no control.

That’s right, life gives us the blow, stops us and makes us reconsider. The key and the approach is not in being the best in this or that, because by doing this we are also falling into competitiveness and comparisons with others.

This causes us to become extremely self-demanding. We may even lose sight of our essential priorities in life. It leads us to disconnect from ourselves where no one knows what we want, and we do not know where we’re going.

Accepting our vulnerability

Accepting one’s own vulnerability requires courage and bravery because it involves accepting ourselves as we are; with our wounds, pending issues and mistakes.

sad woman resting hand on head thinking

Thus begins a process that leads us towards making a true internal development, in which we love unconditionally and obtain a state of greater well-being and peace.

This process can start when we recognize certain key facts about our condition as human beings:

  • We live under conditions and circumstances that we often cannot control.
  • It is in our will to do things the best we know how; discovering and strengthening our potential.
  • Consider that each person has their rhythm, context, circumstances, difficulties, priorities, etc.
  • Giving someone the best of oneself is the best way forward to grow and surpass oneself.
  • When we accept our limitations without criticizing ourselves, we are able to understand ourselves, and our attitude becomes more compassionate and honest.
  • Limitations can be overcome only when we recognize them.

Showing our authenticity

By beginning to accept our vulnerability, we find ourselves. And so we access our authenticity, and in doing so, facilitate a connection with others.

By accepting our difficulties without fear of being rejected, without fear of exposing ourselves to seem weak, we take off the masks we often use. It is in this way that we approach reality in a more natural way and are able to maintain more honest and authentic relationships.

“Accepting our vulnerability rather than trying to hide it is the best way to adapt to reality.”

-David Viscott-

By accepting our vulnerability we become more human, through admitting our imperfections and also those of others as a result.

We turn away from arrogance and superiority without viewing ourselves as being above anyone else. It is very pretentious pursue being the best and being blinded by it, and it causes use to lose a part of our own lives.

We overcome our fears and limitations through acceptance, showing ourselves as we are, in order  to be the best version of ourselves.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.