Thumb Author Pedro González Núñez

Pedro González Núñez


An audiovisual communicator and senior technician in Early Childhood Education. He has extensive experience in the area of communication, also as a teacher of children and young people. He is currently exploring a career as a writer, with more than a dozen titles published.

About the author

Graduated in Audiovisual Communication from the European University of Madrid (1999). He is a senior technician in Early Childhood Education at the Center for Distance Professional and Technical Training (2013).

He worked as a child educator and monitor at CPEP La Caracola and the CPEP Summer School in Murcia. For 13 years he pursued his career as a communicator, at the end of which he worked as a teacher of children and adolescents. He has collaborated with a variety of media as a content writer. Among some, we can mention his collaborations with Animaciones Infantiles Aeiou, InboundCycle, Agencia Roiting, Sanitas Promosalud, Zinkers, and other projects stand out. In addition, he worked as a community manager, style editor, and head of communication in several of these.

He is the author of a variety of novels La Piedra del Diluvio (2016), ¡Año de desperezarse, Darío! (2018), Star Outcast I: Eternal War (2019), The Fourth Race (2019), Edith Piaf's Record Player (2020) and The Planet That Was Forced to Grow in the Sky (2021) are just some of them. He is currently dedicated to his writing career, although he doesn't rule out returning to teaching in the near future.

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