A Love Letter - Thanks for Being You

When I'm with you, my existence cares to become more intense, more authentic, and more sincere.
A Love Letter - Thanks for Being You

Last update: 13 May, 2020

I don’t know when this story began and I don’t know how to explain what I’m feeling. Do you? It’s kind of hard to write a love letter and express what I feel in my heart with words. I have the feeling that I’ll always fall short, no matter how hard I try…

Perhaps it isn’t exactly that there are no words to define it but it’s all so beautiful and the idea of ​​reducing it to a few lines seems insignificant to me. I won’t lie to you, as I’m also afraid of not knowing how to transmit exactly what’s going on deep inside of me. But I trust that when you look at me, the brightness of my eyes will tell you everything that’s I can’t express in my writing. Thus, I’ve written this love letter hoping you’ll understand me and be aware of what you’ve awakened in me. Read it in silence, please.

Thanks for crossing my path

The passage of time’s made me realize that life is full of surprises. It’s full of small details, special effects, and affections from people who take unexpected turns in their stories above all, just like you. Do you want to know why? Continue reading!

Neither you nor I expected each other. Why lie to ourselves! The point is that we met. I don’t know if it was a coincidence, “serendipity” -as the most romantic of us would say- or if it was destiny. The important thing is that we connected. I’m not just talking about looking at each other but about that intoxicating feeling bursting from deep inside of me without really knowing how. I remember it perfectly. Everything began to make sense from there.

It didn’t matter where we were, what we were doing, or what we were talking about. But ever since I found you, it’s as if the outside world ceased to matter. I don’t know how but you’ve become my favorite recurrence. It’s difficult to explain it with words but I know that I love what I’m experiencing.

You’re the engine of my thoughts, the axis of my smiles, my favorite sanctuary; you’re the reason for this love letter.

A couple under the moonlight.

Thanks for being brave

You got me, I confess. I can’t deny it, I’ve slowly been reserving a space for you in me. In fact, looking at your gaze is now my favorite pastime. Even though I’m still shy and sometimes look the other way when your eyes meet mine.

I have to admit that I also love listening to you because it helps me discover more about you. It helps me feel like a part of your story somehow. I want to thank you for that because you had the courage to show me both your bright and dark sides from the very beginning. You’re worthy of admiration… I can’t think of a better way to connect with someone except through the depths of their history, their wounds, and their strengths.

A love letter – my turning point, the axis of my smiles

Are you aware that you fascinate and inspire me? Of how you make me feel? I don’t think you can even imagine it! You’ve become my turning point, the common thread of my feelings. You’re that growing illusion that makes me want to make the most of every moment. This love letter is proof of it.

You’re a revolutionary and I want to thank you for it. Thank you for being you from the beginning, with all of your fears and strengths. But above all, thank you for showing yourself as you are, sensitive and fun at times but always overflowing with love. Even when you’re a bit stubborn, you’re essentially being you.

Thank you for helping me defeat my insecurities when they arise and I’m overcome with fear. You can rescue me when I begin to get caught in my own cobwebs just by offering me your helping hand. It’s incredible, right?

You’re my anchor when the tide is no longer calm; the spark that lights the fire that lives inside me and the touch of madness in my silliest days. You’re that surprise that breaks into the ordinary and brightens my days. You’ve taught me that walking is more than just taking a few steps and that this is only the beginning.

A couple on a train track.

Our little universe

Together, we’ve created that small universe from which to observe life from a different perspective. One in which we can fantasize through our dreams and exchange our secrets and be sincere. It’s all so magical! Do you know why? Because it’s a little bit of you and a little bit of me. There’s also a unique part made from the combination of both of us. The one that reminds us that if either one of us falters, the other is there to catch one another and continue walking. It’s as simple as it is beautiful. It’s our maze, our puzzle.

Not only that, but we’ve also created our own safety chain. It protects us when ignorance knocks at our door; it helps us be stronger when the outside world is set on knocking us down.

Love is incredible, but you’re incredible too. We’re together for whatever reason and I can’t help but be grateful for what made it possible for you and me to meet, connect, and get together. Let’s write the first lines of our story. This is because being grateful is the least we can do when love comes into our lives. We must be ready to nurture and maintain it.


I don’t want to finish this love letter without thanking you for accepting me as I am, for believing in me and for being by my side. But above all, for being you. Don’t forget that your smile is my favorite view and my greatest wish is for you to be happy. I love you so much.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.