5 Tips to Help You Disconnect from Your Job

5 Tips to Help You Disconnect from Your Job

Last update: 02 May, 2018

This state of things can cause huge problems for you in the long term. We’re human beings, not machines, and we need both physical and mental rest. When you don’t rest, that’s how you end up having issues with your emotional and psychological health.

What happens when you can’t disconnect from your job?

Social consequences

Not knowing how to disconnect from your job won’t hurt just you; it will affect your loved ones too. There’s nothing pleasant about being around someone who constantly has to check their phone. It  makes other people feel excluded and unimportant. Needless to say, relationship issues often follow.

It’s also not great to use those kinds of devices at social gatherings, because it’s quite rude. Think about how much worse it is to do it at home, then. Your significant other deserves your attention too.

How to disconnect from your job.

Psychological and emotional consequences

Living in constant exhaustion is extremely bad for your mental health. It can lead to stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. All of those, of course, will usually bounce back onto the people closest to you. Yet another way that your relationships are affected by your obsession.

It can also make you develop obsessive disorders which may then lead to even more serious conditions. The kinds that you will need to get help for.

Physical consequences

When you can’t disconnect from your job, your body feels it. You don’t get much rest and you’re more likely to suffer from chronic neck and back pain. Constantly being tense is bad for more than just your mind; it’s bad for your body too.

It’s also common to have sleep problems like insomnia and night terrorsBoth of these things are very unpleasant, and it takes a lot of patience to work through them.

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”

-Charles Darwin-

5 tips to help you disconnect from your job

If you’ve realized that you can’t disconnect from your job, but you want to do something about it, you’re in the right place. The only way advice can ever work is for you is if you’re willing to follow it.

The first thing you have to remember is that disconnecting doesn’t make you irresponsible. It actually helps you perform better when you’re at work, so you end up being more productive. Once you’re off the clock, you’re completely free to spend your time however you want.


Spend time with people you love

It doesn’t matter where: it could be at someone’s house, a bar, a restaurant. The point is to try to spend time with people who matter to you. Ask about their lives, chat about whatever comes to mind (but not work), and have a good time.

You can also spend time with your coworkers outside of working hours. They might feel the same way as you and want to disconnect by having a drink and talking about whatever.

Sign up for something fun

You can probably think of activities you don’t do for any number of reasons. Lack of time, stress, and “what people will say,” are usually the most common ones. Forget about all that and sign up for that thing you’ve been wanting to do forever.

Take a few hours for yourself. It’ll be good for your brain and your self-esteem. It’ll also help you meet new people with the same interests as you. 

Plan a trip or two every year

Plan a trip or two every year to places you’ve never been before. Map out some routes, look at the maps, watch documentaries and videos about it, and figure out if you want relaxation or adventure.

Either way it will give you the excitement you need for your mind to focus on something besides work. Traveling is and always will be a great way to switch gears. 

woman disconnecting from her job by traveling

Try to back off from social media

Try to use your phone (and therefore social media) as little as possible. With few exceptions , Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram just lead to dependence. Spend less time on them so that you can spend more time on yourself and the people around you.

Read a good book or watch a good movie

Books and films are a great choice — and also a great distraction from other things, like work. When you read or watch a movie, you give your brain a chance to forget about everything else. Some books and films can also help you grow as a person and learn something new, so you actually get double the benefits.

Choose whichever one seems most interesting and get comfortable. It’s time to relax and stop thinking about work!

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.