5 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently

5 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently

Last update: 06 December, 2017

Steve Jobs said that “intuition is very powerful, more powerful than intellect.” And he wasn’t wrong. In fact, he and other great minds have shown that intuition is a powerful tool, especially the world we live in today. Even Albert Einstein said, “the only thing that is truly valuable is intuition.”

Basically, our intuition helps keep us safe. It helps us make decisions while taking our emotions into account. It is like a type of radar that warns us of imminent danger or unrealized opportunities. It is our lighthouse that guides us through life.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.”

-Steve Jobs-

Though we all have this innate ability to make decisions based on our intuition, not everyone knows how to connect with their inner voice. No wonder then that people who tend to listen to their heart when they are faced with a difficult decision do things differently.

Be true to yourself by following your intuition

Intuition plays an important role in our daily life. Many of the decisions that we make are the product of our intuition more than logical reflection. Most of the time we simply follow our instincts, without thinking too much about it. We also often combine both sources of information to make a decision: both intuition and reason.

That being said, when we have to make important decisions, especially decisions that go against established social and cultural norms, we have to listen to our intuition. Highly intuitive people decide to be true to themselves and follow their instincts. That makes a big difference in everything that follows.

Do highly intuitive people make better decisions? Are they more successful because they follow their instincts? This question definitely has more than one answer. Following your instinct doesn’t mean that you have absolute truth.

What happens is that following your own instincts gives you a greater sense of control: not over the circumstances, but over yourself. In the end, doing what is supposedly correct doesn’t guarantee anything either. The difference is that when you follow your intuition, you know you are the author of your fate, the owner of your decisions.

a colorful scene with a face looking up

What do highly intuitive people do differently?

Most of us admire highly intuitive people. We admire their freedom, their self-confidence, and the effect that these factors have on them. So if we all have intuition, why don’t we follow it?

Are we afraid? Do we not trust ourselves enough to follow our inner voice? Are we so crazy that we aren’t able to do what we think we should do?

How can we start to trust our instincts? How can we help our intuition flourish? We can start by observing and analyzing highly intuitive people. By applying their actions, we can start to find our hidden inner selves. We can give voice to those inner thoughts that will guide us.

Highly intuitive people listen to their inner voice

Highly intuitive people don’t ignore their instincts. Instead, they listen to them and use them as a resource in decision-making. Many people are skeptical about this way of doing things, but people who hear their inner voice loud and clear know they can’t go against it. They don’t try to quiet it.

The big difference is that highly intuitive people don’t care if everyone else thinks that the whole “inner voice” thing is crazy. They listen to it anyway, whether it is about something simple, or it means going against everything and everyone. In some cases, it could be the difference between life and death.

It’s interesting because most people have had an experience where listening to their intuition helped them in some way. It may have been something small or unimportant. Or maybe it was just a little push in one direction that saved someone from something important or led to a great opportunity.

Highly intuitive people need to spend time alone

To be able to listen to that inner voice, highly intuitive people need peace and time alone. Only then can they cultivate their inner strength. Only then can they hear themselves. That’s why these kinds of people tend to be quite introverted.

This need to be alone, to listen and to feel their own energy, is because they need to tune in to their feelings and perspectives. Through meditation and/or spiritual practice, these people are able to shut out the noise of the outside world and pay attention to inner knowledge.

It makes sense then why highly intuitive people tend to have less mental fog. They have learned to sit in silence with only themselves for company. They feel comfortable with themselves.

a highly intuitive girl sitting on a branch over the sea

Highly intuitive people notice everything around them

One common trait of highly intuitive people is that they pay attention to their surroundings and empathize with others. Just as they pay attention to their inner world, highly intuitive people also look at the outside world with heart and eyes wide open. They are able to deeply connect with others since they already learned to connect with themselves.

In fact, highly intuitive people have a special ability to understand what others are feeling. They also know what other people want to say before they say it. This helps them understand each person on an individual level.

Highly intuitive people are also highly creative

If we observe carefully we can see that throughout history that many great artists, politicians, and scientists who changed the way we do things have been highly intuitive people. Their creativity, inspired by their instincts, led them to do things differently. They asked different questions and came up with surprising answers.

This creativity fed by intuition makes highly creative people feel alive, free, and useful. In this sense, they know that feeding their creativity allows life force to flow through them. And that, in turn, feeds instinct. 

“Your intuition is talking, and your intuition tends to be right. The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind, a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and forgets the gift… Rare are those who see with their own eyes and experience with their own senses.”

-Katherine Pancol-

Highly intuitive people connect with their gut feelings

Scientists have discovered that our gut is our second brain. This is due to the large number of neurons that cover the intestinal walls. But highly intuitive people already know that their gut holds wisdom and intuition. Most of us have experienced it. But we may not have known how to listen to it or maybe we preferred to ignore it.

For the skeptics among us, it is worth pointing out that some experts believe that our instincts are more efficient and effective during decision making than logical analysis. This is according to a study done by researchers at Boston University, Rice University, and George Mason University.

The truth is intuitive people don’t care about how fast the world moves or what other people think or expect. They make time to listen to their inner guide.

a boy and girl holding hands in a field at night

We live in a world that values logic over emotional reasoning

Being a highly intuitive person isn’t easy, especially when your instincts defy norms and “logical explanation.” Sometimes to a small degree, other times to a larger degree. But it doesn’t matter. One way or another, trusting your intuition and getting the results of doing so means traveling upstream.

Doing things the right way is something we’ve heard since we were little. But who is to say that there is only one right way to do things? Maybe “doing things the right way” is responsible for the misery in the world today.

You can do things in logically or follow your intuition. What do your instincts tell you to do?

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.