5 Things Children Never Forget About Their Parents

5 Things Children Never Forget About Their Parents

Last update: 24 July, 2017

All parents want to have marvelous kids. They want their kids to be affable and for them to grow up and behave like responsible people. For them to be useful for society. However, a lot more effort is put into this idea of the future than into sowing the foundation during the present we walk upon. Some parents think that when their children are little, they should simply obey.

As a result, children are more and more likely to grow up to be unhappy adults. When the criteria for child-raising isn’t consistent, logical or stable, this increases the odds for children to show rebellious or hermetic behaviors. Maybe capricious, or even authoritarian and, in any case, unstable behavior. They can’t seem to establish a close and affectionate bond with their parents. On the contrary, they live in a constant open or silent war with them.

“The problem with learning to be parents is that the children are the teachers.”
-Robert Braul-

One of the most important parts of our lives is our childhood. That’s where the foundation for a healthy mind and a clean heart is built. As such, some attitudes parents show can leave a mark in their children’s hearts forever. Sometimes this mark is positive, sometimes it’s negative. Regardless, most of the time it is profound. These are 5 behaviors that children rarely forget.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.