It's Time to Take Back Your Life

It's Time to Take Back Your Life

Last update: 01 April, 2016

Surely with the passing of time and growing maturity, you’ve learned that you live in a society where people are pushed to perceive their mistakes as something “negative.” This pushes us to feel guilty every time we make a mistake in our day to day lives.

If you still don’t think that mistakes are life lessons in disguise allow me to explain how they benefit sensible and extraordinary people like ourselves.

girl laying on grass

Your personal mistakes and the things you perceive as flaws are actually the steps that allow you to develop and mold your life.

Why? Because they give you little hints along the way, and as you overcome them they help you move forward and build up your life.

The prize you’ll receive because of it? The gift of knowing how to face any obstacle that gets in your way in a positive and productive manner.

With the passing of time, I learned that during personal development, we go through a transformational before and after.
The “before” portion implies what you used to be: the way you were before you made the mistakes that have conditioned and tormented you. And the “after” bit encompasses the person living inside you today, who feels guilty on a daily basis for having committed those mistakes. And because of it, you become depressed and see practically no reason to enjoy life.

If you take a few minutes to reflect on the person that you were before having committed said mistakes, you’ll allow yourself to question what things limited you in that moment and discover how that has affected you today. Those are the walls you need climb over so you can move on and continue becoming a better person.

When recalling the story of your life, you may notice one precious detail: your own heart is begging you to retake control of your life, of your personal existence.

It sends you the message that it’s time to go back to the person you were before you made those mistakes: a dreamer, without barriers or limits. Going back to the brilliant you, a person who creates their own beauty…That which your heart desires.

Making mistakes and being confused are normal parts of life. Remember that there’s a big positive side to everything in life,  and a much greater learning experience that the gravity of the consequences of mistakes.

This is how you become conscious of your own limits as a person. You become aware that you’re one with the world; you’re not alone and you need to share, listen and empathize with those around you.

You need to test yourself, dare yourself to overcome your misfortunes. Understand that experience, take the negativity from it and make it yours, make it part of your experience, and apply it in a positive manner.


Understanding your mistakes fully will allow you to make peace with them, and consequently gain the power to transform anything you do into something wonderful.

Regain the power to be in a place where no one can hurt you, and where the decisions you make are your decisions, and come from your heart, without judgment or emotional turmoil.

There comes a time when, because of all of it, you dare to retake your life from the deepest, purest part of your self. With one wish: to be yourself, feel whole and at peace with the person you are and will always be.

If that’s what you truly feel with fearless unconditional love, remember that everything happens for a reason. Everything is worth it. You are so, incredibly worth it.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.