The Mental Strategy to Use to Achieve What You Want

Your beliefs can either help you achieve your purposes or let them escape you forever. Learn to use them to your advantage.
The Mental Strategy to Use to Achieve What You Want
Elena Sanz

Reviewed and approved by the psychologist Elena Sanz.

Written by Elena Sanz

Last update: 21 December, 2022

Your mind and thoughts have much more power than you imagine. The beliefs you hold can limit you or push you to achieve your goals. To a large extent, they form your reality. As a matter of fact, there’s a mental strategy that can help you achieve what you want. It just involves believing you can do it.

We’re not talking about magic here, but intention. Intention is powerful because it focuses you and helps you direct and invest all your energy into achieving your purposes.  In fact, the firm belief that you can achieve a goal provides you with the motivation to act. Therefore, if you have a goal, use your mind as an ally rather than an enemy.

Believe in order to create

When you were a child, you were told that if you really wanted something, you’d get it. Just like when you made a wish when you blew out the candles on your birthday cake. However, as you grew up, you began to acquire limiting beliefs that took you away from this kind of hope and optimism.

Making wishes and trusting that they’ll come true seems rather utopian or childish – a fantasy, in fact. However, this isn’t entirely true. Because when you believe something, you create it. As a matter of fact, what lives and remains in your mind ends up, many times, manifesting itself in your tangible reality.

This isn’t about naivety, but about knowing how beliefs work and the power you acquire when you take charge of them. Obviously, you must employ some common sense. For example, no matter how much you may believe you can fly, you can’t. That’s because we’re all governed by the laws of physics. Hence, if you jump off a roof, you’ll hurt yourself. However, there are many other aspects of life in which mental strategy plays an important role.

Man with glasses thinking mental strategy

Limiting beliefs

The clearest examples of these are the negative ones. That’s because they’re the ones you experience most commonly. Indeed, if you firmly believe that you can’t do something, you most likely won’t do it.

This is because, firstly, you give up before you even start. In fact, you don’t even give yourself the opportunity to try and work toward it. Secondly, your limiting beliefs will boycott all your attempts to do so.

Let’s take an example. If you go to a party where you don’t know anyone, with the belief that you’re not capable of making friends, you probably won’t. It might be because you don’t dare to approach anyone and start a conversation. However, even if you overcome your fear and try, your low self-confidence will probably lead to poor social performance.

The high anxiety that you’ll experience will lead you to speak in a hesitant way, in a low voice, without fluency, and without making eye contact. You won’t be able to properly follow the conversation and, ultimately, the interaction will be a failure. Your belief will have been fulfilled.

You can get what you want, but you have to believe it

Fortunately, the process works in reverse as well. For example, if you’re convinced that you’ll reach a goal, the chances of your success multiply exponentially. Indeed, your actions are aimed at creating the reality that exists in your mind. That’s because where you put your mental energy, you also put your ability to create.

Therefore, say you want to open a restaurant and you’re confident of achieving it. You’ll focus your energy consistently on this goal. In a more or less direct way, this fact will guide you to take the appropriate actions to achieve it. You’ll have the motivation to train, develop, and improve your skills. You’ll get informed and be attentive to any opportunities.

Furthermore, you’ll work on your goal with passion, dedication, and perseverance. Finally, it will manifest itself, thanks to the fact that you invested your mental energy directly and constantly in your desire. Indeed, you firmly believed, without limitations, that you’d achieve it.

Man facing head in the form of a maze

Some habits to get what you want

Having enough mental energy is vital to be able to achieve what you set out to do. In this way, it’s important to develop a series of habits that help you strengthen your mind and body.

Here are some tips that’ll make you better able to face and overcome any circumstance.

Healthy food

The ideal is to have a healthy diet according to your own needs. Remember ‘you are what you eat’ and, therefore, it’s essential that your diet is healthy and enriches you. In addition, the nutrients you consume are the main source of energy for your brain.


It’s also essential that you avoid having a life that’s too sedentary. Physical exercise activates your body, improves your blood flow, and facilitates oxygenation in your body. Ideally, you should exercise on a daily basis or at least three to four days a week.

Sleep adequately

Finally, in order to strengthen your mind, you must rest between seven to eight hours every night. Indeed, night sleep is essential for your body to regenerate and for your entire body to function more optimally. In addition, your brain needs to be rested to be in top shape and stimulated.

Ultimately, you can get what you want. If you want to express a desire, put your mind to work on it. Identify all those limiting thoughts and deactivate them. Get used to maintaining a clear focus of intention towards your desire, visualize it frequently, and experience the emotions that arise when you feel it as a reality. When your mind believes that it’s a fact, it’ll direct you to create it.


All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Vitale, J. (2005). El poder de la atracción. Obelisco.
  • Vera Sánchez, A. (2013). Creencias limitantes.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.