Sow Hate and You Will Reap Violence

Sow Hate and You Will Reap Violence

Last update: 27 November, 2016

The main outcome of hate is violence, because only this gives it continuity. Hatred is like an uncontrollable apetite, which seems to never be satiated. It is made up of rage and rancor and always finds a reason to ignite once more. Without a doubt, it is about one of the most enslaving passions human beings can experience.

Colloquially people say “You reap what you sow.” Usually this saying is given a positive meaning. But the truth is that this applies to good things as well as bad. That is to say, if you sow love, you might be able to reap love. But if you sow hatred, you are very likely to reap hatred or violence, which is even worse.

Hatred multiplies rapidly 

When someone attacks another person, for whatever reason, that generates a component of rage and affliction within that person. Aggression generates a wound that is difficult to heal, according to the magnitude of the offense received. Also, depending on the track record of aggression you have accumulated in your heart.

Of course, the longer the record of negative aspects, the great and deeper the wounds will be. Because some people tend to remember the bad moments more than the good ones. They tend to highlight the mistakes more than the success.


There is only a single step from aggression to hatred. A chain of aggression generates the conditions needed for hatred to arrive and root itself within the heart. The bond born from this unsettling feeling can be stronger than the one originated out of love. What follows is an exponential growth of aggression, because there will always be a “debt to pay” or “bone to pick”.

Practically nothing justifies violence 

Violence never leads to anything good. Generally, it is born out of cowardice, ignorance or both of these at once. It is a behavior that denigrates and harms the human condition, at least the ethical and social aspects.

Violence begets more violence. The consequences of violence are almost always the same: hatred, rancor and a profound desire for revenge. If you want, you could give way to a vicious circle and outright vain and obtuse, like the myth of Sisyphus.

Nevertheless and although there are certain situations in which violence can be understood and maybe even employed as self-defense. Even still, it continues being very unstable in regards to its validity ad approval. It should always be a last resort, literally. Because the circumstances no longer leave you another choice. The last option you should keep in mind. It is only valid when their is another value at risk, one of higher ranking.


From hatred to violence 

Violence not only includes a physical or verbal aggression. There are profoundly violent gestures that do not require the uttering of a single word. Such as when someone denigrates another solely with a glance or when you are the accomplice of an injustice, out of pure comfort, because denouncing it could cause you problems.

However, no matter how much that kind of violence hides or disguises itself, it produces the same effects. What follows is a chain of deaf and echoing resentments in the beating wound. Thus, you construct a dramatic circle in which two people end up closely bound by a sickly feeling.

Almost everybody who uses violence, seems to think they have the right to power. If that hatred is examined for years, that violence which tends to last decades, you will always find that each one of the participants thinks that their aggression is nothing more than an act of justified self-defense.


They want to prevent others from hurting them, so they get ahead of the game and hurt others first. They want to be respected and then do whatever they can to terrify the other person in hopes of achieving it. They want peace, and try to achieve it by silencing those who think differently or sing through the night. Then, if they receive aggression in return, they then ratify the validity of their own violence.

Why is it that when we tell a lie, for example, we plan everything so perfectly and almost always achieve our objective? And why is it that when we tell the truth, we find obstacles, rejection and “but’s” in its fulfillment?

Breaking the circle of hatred and violence 

Forgiveness liberates you. Peace is a prerequisite for happiness. But neither forgiving, nor reaching peace are automatic acts. They entail a profound process that must begin with the acknowledgement of one’s own mistakes and failures.

The world needs strong and brave human beings, who are not afraid to take a step back in order to avoid conflict. The world needs people who can remain quiet and wait for the other person to calm down in order to begin a productive dialogue. They seek to understand the other person, before judging them, condemning and even punishing them.


Maybe what we need are daring, risk-taking and decisive people to harvest the “bad habits.” We are made to stroll towards the planting of hidden gardens of personal growth. An interesting way of offering resistance to the exaggerated degrees of violence, tension and aggression in which we live in. And which keep us from taking off the blindfold.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.