Is There Such a Thing as Mind Control Techniques?

“One believes things because one has been conditioned to believe them.” -Aldous Huxley, Brave New World-
Is There Such a Thing as Mind Control Techniques?

Last update: 21 June, 2019

Mind control techniques are a thing and, depending on their use, can either be seductive or destructive. They mean different things to different people. They’re also known as coercive persuasion, brainwashing, thought reform, manipulation, and seduction, among others.

All these names share common elements, mainly those which define mind control. However, every single one refers to persuasion and direct or indirect influence in the mind of an individual to walk into a specific role. Next, we’ll define it in a timely manner, specifying some of its techniques. In addition, we’ll tell you who is interested in using them.

What’s Mind Control?

Under the umbrella of mind control, there are a series of techniques aimed at controlling and modifying the mental processes of an individual. In many cases, they’re highly effective and, in others, irreversible. In spite of this, not all mental control is necessarily negative, since there are some positive uses for these techniques.

Mind control techniques can have very powerful effects. They can significantly influence an individual’s actions, behaviors, thoughts, beliefs, tastes, relationships, and even their own identity.

“Love me or hate me, both are in my favor. If you love me, I’ll always be in your heart. If you hate me, I’ll always be in your mind.”

-Qandeel Baloch-

A man in the shadow pulling the strings and a TV headed man in front.

Researcher Steve Hassan made a distinction between mind control and brainwashing which lies in the consciousness of being manipulated or influenced.

  • When it comes to brainwashing, the victim knows they’re being manipulated and their thoughts change in favor of the aggressor.
  • When it comes to mind control, the victim may not be necessarily aware of the manipulation.

In this regard, mind control can be very subtle and sophisticated. And this makes it dangerous, even when it’s done with good intentions. This is because anyone can modify the behavior of another without them suspecting their mind is under the control of someone else. Anyone can be a manipulator, even those who are very close to us.

Some Mind Control Techniques

These mind control techniques are subtle and slow. That is, they don’t have an immediate effect. Mental control is a long process that gradually changes the victim’s mind. However, it all depends on the techniques used, the duration of the application, and the personal and social factors involved in the manipulation.

Furthermore, physical force isn’t necessary for the application of mind control techniques. However, there’s relentless psychological and social pressure on the victim. Anyone is susceptible to mind control. That’s where the danger of misuse of manipulation techniques lies.

Some of the most well-known and effective forms of manipulation are:

  • Total or partial isolation from the family or social nucleus. Cutting the possible victim’s affective ties facilitates mind control since there’s total or partial dependence on the manipulator.
  • Slow physical exhaustion. Several activities are used to diminish the physical and cognitive abilities of a victim. For example, forced labor or excessively long exercise days.
  • Change of diet. An abrupt change in diet, especially decreasing protein, also weakens a possible victim’s body and mind.
  • A constant reminder of simple or complex ideas. This is one of the most important techniques since only by drilling ideas that want to be inserted into the victim’s mind will the mental control work. It may be orally, using songs and mantras, or in writing, with symbols and mandatory readings.
  • Excessive demonstration of affection and rewards. The manipulator pays a lot of attention and gives the victim rewards as long as they do something to facilitate their own brainwashing. All this with the aim of creating a dependency between victim and manipulator.
  • Subtle or direct use of drugs. The use of narcotics isn’t always present, but it facilitates mind control.
  • Hypnosis. To make the victim’s mind vulnerable and facilitate the manipulation process itself.

Who’s Interested in Brainwashing?

Mental control can be used by anyone who wants to manipulate or have influence over another individual. In addition, those who use these techniques have very specific purposes, which are either political, social, and/or personal. Mainly, their goal is for specific individuals to lose their freedom of thought and personal convictions.

Furthermore, mental control is a common technique among sects, cults, and religions. They use them to add new followers and keep their members active. The leaders of these groups often use mind control techniques on their followers.

Psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists, and others who lack empathy are masters of manipulation and exploitation. However, there are also forms of mind control within intimate relationships in which one of the parties involved may abuse their power. For example, in teacher-student, parent-child, boss-subordinate, and doctor-patient relationships, among others.

A woman's profile behind a hand pulling some strings.

The Usefulness of Mind Control Techniques

Not all the applications of these mind control techniques are negative. They’re useful in certain circumstances, as long as they’re not invasive or imposed.

When conscientious doctors or psychologists employ these mind control techniques, they can be extremely beneficial in the lives of certain patients. They’re great ways to suppress addictions, overcome traumatic experiences, improve self-esteem, and even tone down suicidal or self-destructive thoughts.

In short, mind control isn’t always bad. These techniques are only negative when used for self-serving purposes.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.