Five Motivational Quotes for Family Growth

A family is not formed or united as a consequence of having large houses, successful businesses, and money towers. It's based on love, affection, understanding, and tenderness.
Five Motivational Quotes for Family Growth

Last update: 03 May, 2019

Are you having a bad day? Is everything is wrong at this moment and full of nonsense? Could you use a break, not only physically but also mentally? Then, these motivational quotes for family growth might be for you.

Thus, by the time you get home, much of the stress and anguish that you’ve been accumulating will be gone. Without family support, everything becomes more complicated. It doesn’t matter if you live with your parents; as a couple; with roomies, or even just with your pets. The fact is your particular family makes you feel safe and never threatened or pressured.

Family are the people who we love and who love us. But before we start, let’s highlight a concept: when we talk about family growth we don’t just refer to a traditional family (parents and children). Anyone can be “with family” when in the company of those we love and want around. Thus, the motivational quotes we’re about to share below are for you to keep all of this in mind.

Motivational quotes

Mark V. Olsen

“At the end of the day a good family should be able to make everything forgettable.”

-Mark V. Olsen-

a pair of hands over a paper cut out family

This is about the moment of relaxation when a warrior finally takes a break. Arriving home to your family should be the best time of the day. To be with the people you love, who understand you, who love you. Is there anything better in life?

Your day may have been a disaster, but in the heart of your home, near those whom you love, every negative feeling should be dissolved/attenuated in order to enjoy your time with them. Without a doubt, the possibility of leaving everything bad behind is one of the great advantages of enjoying family.

Mother Theresa

“What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.”

-Mother Teresa-

Sometimes, we’re nothing but human beings who overly complicate everything. However, enjoying a family who loves you and whom you love makes it all better. This is why there are many people out there who consider that something as simple as what Mother Teresa of Calcutta’s used to say would be enough to reduce conflicts in the world.

What would happen if we all focused more on what we do and less on what others do! If we all look more inward, to our own families and stop comparing ourselves to others and looking for conflict. Then, surely many of our worries would disappear.

Reinhold Niebuhr

“Family life is too intimate to be preserved by the spirit of justice. It can be sustained by a spirit of love that goes beyond justice.”

-Reinhold Niebuhr-

Should family be placed above all? Should love prevail over everything else? The truth is that this phrase by Reinhold Niebuhr raises several interesting questions.

Do laws truly serve us as a society? Or, on the contrary, do we end up prisoners of such laws? If it’s the latter, then we’re obviously wrong. Because we go against our own nature.

George A. Moore

“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.”

-George A. Moore-

How many times have we searched for what we really needed beyond our borders? It’s funny, because, in today’s world, millions of people earnestly seek work, business, and professional success. But, is that truly what we need?

Both George A. Moore and many others don’t think so. What humans really need is a family; a home in which to feel at ease and happy.

That is a place where we can be ourselves; without restrictions; without ambiguity. Living in balance and full of love towards the people who love us and chose us to share their lives. Home is the space in which we participate in and nurture family growth.

Walt Whitman

“I have learned that to be with those I like is enough.”

-Walt Whitman-

couple relaxing on the couch

Reflecting on the previous quote, one realizes how wonderful it is to read Walt Whitman. A man who knew how to live to find happiness in the simplest of things. Undoubtedly, he considered family an important part of his world.

We tend to long for success and think of fun only in the present. We want a huge house and/or a yacht. But, what’s the point of having every material thing you want if you can’t share it with the people you love?

When the time comes, towards the end and when our strength escapes us, it’ll be them with us: our family. From every element of our context, they’ll make the difference in our lives.

Motivational quotes: conclusion

A family is not formed or united as a consequence of having large houses, successful businesses, and money towers. It’s based on love, affection, understanding, and tenderness.

Therefore, perhaps these motivational quotes for family growth will help you remember the importance of taking care of your loved ones. Both accepting their help when they give it to you and offering yours when they need it.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.