I Don't Want to Fall in Love With a Princess

I Don't Want to Fall in Love With a Princess

Last update: 22 June, 2017

Nowadays, feminism is popular, which is a major social advance. However, many people still don’t understand or accept that feminism means equality. Men who don’t accept feminism seem to love the stereotypical princess, while men who are feminists don’t.

I don’t want her to be a princess. After all, if I’m dirty from playing sports outdoors, I want her to get dirty with me and not just sit there taking pictures. Plus, if I don’t shave my legs, my armpits or pluck my eyebrows, why should I expect her to do it? It’s all about our personal decisions, and I don’t want her to feel like she needs to be a princess.

“All happy families are alike; but every unhappy family has a special reason to feel unhappy.”
-Leo Tolsteoi

Princess in her Tower

I don’t want her to be a princess. After all, when I look in the mirror in the morning, my crazy hair tells me I’ve slept well, and I want her hair to be just as messy.

She doesn’t need to be a housewife. After all, I don’t like doing chores, either! Just because I’m not a role model when it comes to keeping clean doesn’t mean she has to be.

Overall, I’ve never really liked fairy tales, anyways. I’ve always been more attracted to the witches. It’s not because of their evil, but because of their freedom when it comes to making decisions.

A couple of happy toads

I don’t want her to be a princess, because I don’t want to be prince charming.

I don’t want to have to pay for all of her drinks, open doors for her, give her my jacket when I’m cold or be a sex monster that drools over tight skirts.

She shouldn’t be a princess. I don’t want to have to buy my way to her heart. I shouldn’t have to give her roses or jewelry every time she gets angry. After all, she might not even like them!

I don’t want to have to go searching to rescue her. I want her to find me, or I want us both to stumble upon each other when we’re not looking.

“In love, there are no ridiculous, cheesy or obscene attitudes. In love, everything is ridiculous, cheesy and obscene.”
-Mario Benedetti

I don’t want her to be a princess. I don’t want her body to be the object of desire, but the object of her self-acceptance. 

Smiling Couple Holding Hands

Red-blooded princesses

I don’t want her to have royal blood or wear a crown of superiority. She shouldn’t talk down to others or look at us over her shoulder.

After all, I don’t even want to be the prince who has to look after her and bring her glass slipper. Nor do I want to get in a limousine to take her to the dance when we can already soar just by being together.

I don’t want her to be a princess. She may not be a catwalk model, but she’s a model feminist. She’s my role model.

I want her to be what she wants to be. Above all, I want to let her be herself and not what society forces her to be.

“Man is born free, responsible and without excuses.”
-Jean-Paul Sartre

I want you to love the way I love you, and that by loving me you realize how much you also love yourself. 


This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.