Dog Stories that Made History
Many dog stories inspire us. They teach us that man’s best friend shows solidarity and loyalty in moving ways. In fact, many dogs have given their lives for humans. In dangerous situations, they don’t hesitate to do everything within their power to save their masters or other people.
There are many stories of dogs who have followed their owners everywhere. On the other hand, some dogs understand that children are very vulnerable. Therefore, they take on dangerous threats just to help and save children.
Dogs teach us lessons of nobility every day. They’re faithful, loving, and cheerful companions. They give us everything in exchange for very little. Dogs have accompanied humans since the beginning of time. Although they sometimes don’t get the recognition they deserve, they have been indisputable protagonists of many important events. Here, we share some amazing dog stories.
“Dogs’ lives are too short. Their only fault, really.”
-Agnes Sligh Turnbull-
Salty: A guide dog who became a hero
Salty was a Labrador Retriever who was involved in one of the most moving stories from the September 11 attacks. He was the guide dog of Omar Eduardo Rivera, a blind Colombian. Rivera worked in Tower 1 of the World Trade Center. He was in his office when the first plane hit the building.
Salty reacted nervously. Then, from the hallway, he began to bark loudly. Rivera felt as if he was telling them to evacuate. Thus, Rivera followed the dog, who guided him down the 71 floors until they reached the ground. A few minutes later, the building collapsed. Salty guided his master to the subway and then to his house. This is one of the dog stories that became infamous.
Another unusual dog story
Another fantastic dog story took place in Punta Arenas, Chile. The name of the dog of this story is unknown. The owner of the dog was an 8-year-old girl who had a very strong bond with the animal. One morning, the girl’s mother left the house to take the girl’s little brother to kindergarten. Thus, the little girl was left alone in the house.
A man who was stalking the girl took advantage of the situation and rang the doorbell. He trespassed and tried to sexually abuse the girl, who could barely defend herself. The dog launched itself furiously at the aggressor, who soon gave up and fled. When the little girl’s mother returned, she told her what had happened. Soon after that, the police arrived and were able to detect traces of the pedophile’s blood. Because of this, they were able to identify and capture the aggressor.
Bobby and the power of loyalty
Bobby was a Skye Terrier who became a true legend. John Gray, a night watchman from Edinburgh, adopted Bobby. They became almost inseparable. However, Gray died of tuberculosis in 1858. He spent the last years of his life next to Bobby, who didn’t understand what was happening.
As the story goes, John Gray was buried at Greyfriars Kirkyard cemetery. However, Bobby stayed at the cemetery to accompany his master, even in death. This is one of the countless dog stories that show you that dogs will always be man’s best friend.
Bobby’s story has a few more exceptional twists. The locals noticed that the dog wouldn’t leave his master’s grave for any reason. They tried to distract him, but nothing worked. This went on for nine years until a new law was passed that stated that every unregistered dog had to be put down. Sir William Chambers paid Bobby’s registration and made him a collar engraved with his name. Today, that collar lies in a museum in Scotland.
Bobby died 14 years after his owner. The town erected a tomb in his honor and William Brodie, the sculptor, made a famous life-size statue which you can still see in Edinburgh today. Since the year 2000, Bobby’s grave has become a kind of sanctuary where people leave sticks for him to catch. The inscription on his tombstone says: “Let his loyalty and devotion be a lesson to us all”.
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Bonilla, L. (1967). Historia y psicología del perro. Editorial Tecnos.