Change our life by positive attitude

Have you stopped to think about what makes you happy? Well, we tell you how changing aspects of your life can bring you closer to it.
Change our life by positive attitude
Fátima Servián Franco

Written and verified by the psychologist Fátima Servián Franco.

Last update: 08 February, 2024

Our generation has been one of the first to take interest in the scientific study of some important issues related to well-being such as  what makes people happy. In fact, some conclusions made from these kinds of questions have changed the way we see the world. For example, today, we now know that positive attitude has great influence over our state of mind.

Now we know that happy people do not share the same set of circumstances, but rather share a particular way of seeing the world. Positive attitude provokes a chain reaction of thoughts, events and results that give extraordinary outcome. Therefore, learning to have a positive attitude and good thoughts will make us enjoy our daily life.

The basic principles in psychology tell us that each of us is responsible for his attitudes. Therefore, our generation enjoys great advantage. By knowing the power of our mind, we can be much happier than our forefathers.

“Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching?”

-Dennis and Wendy Mannering-

What attitudes are healthy for our mind?

A positive attitude derived from good mental health may help achieve well-being. Moreover, they offer great benefits for everyone; from those who are relatively healthy to those who have more serious health problems, or even those who suffer from disorders such as anxiety or depression.

Positive attitude: free

Now, although we cannot always change our situations, we can strive as much as possible based on the qualities and limitations that we have. We cannot do everything, but we can do everything on our part to achieve the maximum performance and feel satisfied with ourselves. However, this will only be achieved when we have positive attitude.

Mental attitude is so important because of its positive and negative effects in our well-being.  This was evidenced by a 10-year study conducted by Professor Hans Eysenck of the University of Heidelberg and his team. The results of this study revealed that our negative thinking habits can be more harmful than unhealthy physical habit behavior.

Keys to encourage healthy habits

  • Simplify. One of the best attitudes that you may have is to reduce your needs to the minimum. The more unnecessary things you need to be happy, the more it will cost you to live positively.
  • Create relationships. To have a positive attitude, it is convenient to create a close social network where you can seek support in times of need, and maintain relationship with them.
  • Develop your creativity. This increases the ability of the neurons to adapt to new experiences or learning.
  • Sharpen your intellectual curiosity. People who have open attitude to new experiences and have an outgoing personality tend to live longer and have a better functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems, according to some studies.

“If you do not like something, change it; if you cannot change it, change the way you think about it.”

Our generation has changed its attitude towards life

As we can see, our generation has understood that happiness does not depend on any external condition, but is governed by our mental attitude.

The way we see the world controls our lives. It is a hidden power that we all posses, and works 24-hours a day, for better or for worse. Therefore, it is very important that we know how to take advantage of and how to control this great force.

Human beings are very similar to each other, but the small disparity cause us to live life in very different ways. One of the most important differences between them is our attitude.

Our point of reference does not matter: If we have a positive attitude and constantly strive to give our best, we will eventually overcome our problems.

Therefore, to have a  positive attitude is to ask ourselves how can we do the thing, instead of saying what cannot be done. therefore, if you could manage to develop this worldview, you will discover how fast you can change your life for the better.

“Our attitude about life determines the attitude towards us.”

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.