7 Physical Signs of Emotional Problems

7 Physical Signs of Emotional Problems

Last update: 05 April, 2018

The body and mind form a whole. Hence, emotional problems always leave traces in the body as physical emotions. This is perfectly logical if one takes into account that the brain is the axis of functioning for the human body. Also, consider the fact that the whole body is full of nerves that communicate with the brain.

There is no physical discomfort that does not have as a reference, or as a context, one or several emotional problems. In this sense, it is good to listen to the signals our body sends us. In general, they are indicators that there is some kind of imbalance in our life.

Some of these bodily signals are very common. It is not about diseases in a strict sense, but about emotional problems that make a presence known in the body. We’re going to share with you 7 of the most common indicators that suggest the existence of emotional problems.

“The secret to good health is for the body to shake and for the mind to rest.”

-Vincent Voiture

1. Headache, a symptom of emotional problems

Frequent headaches is a very common symptom. Thousands of people in the world suffer from them. Headaches are associated with stress and agitation. Therefore, it is normal that there are so many people affected by this problem.

The meaning of headaches is summarized in a single word – tension. There are internal forces that are opposed and this manifests as tension. Often, it is the desire to do things completely and well, opposed with lack of time. Or it could be the need to rest against the obligation to fulfill commitments. Behind a headache there are often emotional problems. This is why medications often do not have the desired effect.

world on head

2. Neck pain

A stiff and/or painful neck is a clear sign of extreme rigidity caused by physical emotions. Not in all aspects of life, but one in particular – finding it difficult to forgive. Resentment and bitterness take the form of strong muscular tension in the neck area. 

Having difficulty forgiving can also be accompanied by other feelings, such as discontent or contempt. If your neck hurts you should think of resentment you have not yet discarded. Perhaps by diluting these emotions, the pain you feel will also fade away.

3. Rigidity and shoulder problems

The shoulders are the area of the body we use to carry very large weights. This applies both to physical weights and those that involve a mental or spiritual load. Shoulder pain, especially if there is cramping, indicates an overload. 

You probably carry a load that is weighing on you too much. Maybe a responsibility that does not correspond to you or a commitment that you feel you can not fulfill. The pain in your shoulders speaks, in any case, of emotional problems associated with excessive pressure.

flower on back

4. Discomfort in the upper back

The upper back is another area where tension and emotional problems are concentrated. When there is pain there, it is likely that you feel very lonely. It is a sign that shows difficulties in relating to others.

Likewise, this can also be a sign of lack of self-love. Self-esteem may be injured. There may be a lot of fears. These, generally, are related to unsatisfactory social bonds.

5. Difficulties in the lower back

Lower back pain also has to do with overload and is one of the key physical emotions. However, it does not point to excessive abstract responsibilities, but to material or economic concerns.

Lower back pain can indicate a very big concern about money. Perhaps it is because of increased spending or having many debts. In the background, there is a fear of not being able to take on economic responsibilities efficiently.

6. Pain in the hands

The hands are a zone of the body closely related to expression and contact with others. When there is pain or discomfort in the hands, it is time to review our connections with others.

It is very common for there to be an unsatisfied desire to make or have more trusting relationships. The discomfort or pain can reflect a condition of social deprivation that you want to overcome. However, perhaps the path to do so has not been found yet.

7. Problems in the knees

Knee pain is one of the most common discomforts. It is almost always related to an exacerbation of the ego. It occurs when the center of concern is oneself and one has a somewhat contemptuous attitude towards others. This indicates a need to get out of the bubble that makes us not generous in how we see others.

flowers on knees

The body is like a book, in which each part tells its own story with the physical emotions. Similarly, each part of the body is constantly sending messages. Do you know how to listen to them? That is the question you should ask yourself. Especially when you know you have emotional problems, but you have not decided to face them or do not know how to do so.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.