6 Benefits of Having a Pet

6 Benefits of Having a Pet

Last update: 26 July, 2018

They love you unconditionally, they’re there in the good times and the bad. Having a pet improves your quality of life and has many benefits. Taking care of a pet is a big responsibility, but the benefits far outweigh the costs. Whether it’s a more conventional pet like a cat or dog or something more exotic like an iguana, all of them will improve their owners’ health.

When you’re with your pet, you have company, you can even feel supported. You also feel happier. Pets give you meaning in life, among other things. And if you love your pet unconditionally, you’ll see all these benefits and more.

They make you live longer

Taking your dog for a walk will help you get more exercise every day. Changing the water of your fishbowl will keep your mind active. These physical and mental exercises help activate your body and your circulation. They also help reduce your risk of certain diseases and illnesses.

 They help you overcome obstacles

Pets also help people with psychological problems like post-traumatic stress. They help them to channel their emotions and give their life meaning. They can even help them avoid illness. Cats and dogs have a much better sense of smell, so they’re actually much better at detecting chemical changes in our bodies.

Some dogs are even trained to detect symptoms of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia in diabetic patients. This helps prevent these problems from getting worse.

Pets help prevent isolation and loneliness

Your pet can also help you overcome feelings of loneliness. First and foremost, they keep you company. That’s one of the many reasons the elderly decide to get a pet, whether it’s a dog, a cat, or a bird.

However, in addition to keeping you company, pets like dogs help you socialize more. That’s because taking care of them properly means you have to take them on frequent walks. People who have dogs end up meeting other dog owners since they use the same parks and paths.

Pets make us happier

Taking proper care of a pet and, consequently, seeing them healthy and happy triggers dopamine and serotonin production. These are the two hormones related to happiness and well-being. Likewise, they reduce your levels of cortisol, the hormone that causes stress. This hormonal activity leads to a sense of calm.

Petting your pets (if their anatomy allows for that) is also a good antidote for sadness. That’s because it has similar benefits.

people love animals

Pets make you more responsible

This is one of the best reasons to give children pets. This way, they have to take care of another living creature. Their pet will depend on what they do to it. As a result, they learn not only to socialize with other species, but also to be concerned for their welfare. This teaches them to be more empathetic not only with other animals but also with people.

They boost your immune system

Having a pet, especially at a young age, exposes you to new allergens and pathogens which sensitizes your immune systemIt can also reduce the risk of developing certain types of allergies if you’re exposed in the first few years of your life.

There’s plenty of research that proves that animals make us happy. They help us in our day-to-day lives and are excellent life companions. However, it’s important to remember that having a pet isn’t like having a toy or an accessory. They’re living creatures who need us and depend on us.

That’s why the number of animals who’re abandoned in this society is alarming. Not to mention the number of animals that people buy. As a society, we continue to abandon animals. At the same time, we breed more for sale. People who engage in these types of activities are putting these animal’s lives in danger. Adoption centers are much more affordable. Not only that, but you can be sure you’re doing a good thing: saving an animal’s life.

At the end of the day, pets are creatures that are sensitive to emotions. They experience joy and suffering with us. If we love them unconditionally, they will do the same for us. 

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.