5 Strategies for Bettering Sex Life According to Harvard University

Harvard University provides us with a series of strategies for bettering sex life. Do you want to know what they are? Then read this article!
5 Strategies for Bettering Sex Life According to Harvard University

Last update: 26 July, 2020

Bettering sex life is possible, just like everything else in life. Perhaps you’ve had difficulties in your intimate relationships and you believe they’d never change. Maybe you’ve been thinking for a while that they could be better. To find strategies that help you in this regard, we decided to turn to Harvard University.

Monotony, habit, boredom, lack of surprise… All these factors contribute to sexual acts ending up becoming humdrum. Thus, due to the lack of novelty, attention, or ideas, sexual relations can end up being as exciting as washing dishes, cleaning the house, or making dinner.

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When it comes to bettering sex life, there’s currently a large number of resources, to a point where it’s difficult to choose with one to use. To improve this part of your life, the first step may be the selection of valuable information. In other words, take advantage of what’s useful and discard what isn’t. In order to do this, you can use the same strategy that you use, for example, with technology. We refer to testing the waters.

Talking about these possibilities with your partner is a great exercise. In all honesty, dialogue can be a very exciting stimulus. In some way, communication is essential for a relationship to be healthy.

A couple talking about strategies for bettering sex life.

Lubrication conditions satisfaction

If you’re a woman and you’re in the transition to menopause, you may have noticed that natural lubrication isn’t the way it used to be. Well, once you’ve identified this problem, you can opt for using lubricating gels.

Just like someone who wears glasses because their eyesight is no longer good. Why not find a solution in this case as well? Why not use a lubricant if you need it? The point here is to prevent the appearance of pain or discomfort, which are the enemies of excitement.

Caressing is vital

There’s a technique in psychology called “the sensate focus“. This technique is used in different sexual dysfunctions. For example, many people use it to decrease anxiety associated with intimate contact.

It’s all about touching and caressing without pressure. Genital contact in the early stages isn’t allowed. As confidence builds and anxiety begins to decrease, freedom of movement is restored. The goal is to have a pleasant and complete sexual relationship.

On the other hand, your body is full of nerve endings. That being said, almost any area of ​​your skin can become an erogenous area. What makes the difference here, in addition to the number of nerve endings, will be the ability you have to stimulate them.

Try to relax, one of the biggest keys to bettering sex life

Some people get nervous before having sex. To be honest, a certain degree of nervousness is normal, even healthy. However, when anxiety is very intense, its negative effects rise to the surface very quickly.

When you’re anxious about an intimate relationship, you may leave it sooner rather than later. When humans feel anxious, they release a series of hormones and neurotransmitters that are incompatible with pleasure, excitement, lubrication, erection, etc. For this reason, it’s essential to learn to relax in these situations.

A woman practicing diaphragmatic breathing.

There are many physiological deactivation or relaxation techniques. One of them is diaphragmatic breathing. It refers to breathing slowly and deeply in order to activate the diaphragm. This is accomplished through abdominal breathing, as opposed to chest breathing.

Additionally, you can use visualization exercises, saying reassuring phrases, or putting Jacobson’s progressive muscle relaxation technique into practice. It’s a matter of finding the one that works best for you. We recommend you to consult a psychologist to teach you how to relax even more.

Change things up by trying different positions

If bettering sex life is what you want, then you need to have a good imagination. You may be wondering why that is. Well, it’s necessary in order not to be predictable and to be able to surprise the other person. You need to be creative in order to maintain that exciting sensation of arriving at a place for the first time. It’s all about putting the mind to work.

Furthermore, statistics indicate that 80% of sex takes place in the brain. That being said, limiting the sex act to a purely physical dimension will make you burn calories, but it’ll deprive you of the rest of the dimensions of sexuality.

For that reason, it’s good to change things up and try out new places and positions. We’re sure you’ve heard of Kamasutra before. Well, in that book, you’ll find many different positions to try. As we said above, it’s all about testing the waters. After all, sexuality is a game one learns how to play.

As you can see, several strategies can be helpful in bettering sex life. The finishing touch here is attitude. The willingness and interest in wanting to improve. What we talked about in this article is useless if your tour ends in this paragraph. Now you must get going!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.