5 Keys to Help You Find Your True Professional Vocation

The possibility of developing your professional vocation is one of the factors that most affects your quality of life.
5 Keys to Help You Find Your True Professional Vocation

Last update: 28 May, 2020

The question of knowing their professional vocation is something that seems to constantly be on people’s minds. From a very young age, children begin to think about what they want to be “when they grow up”. When they finish school, the time comes to make the decision, and, more often than not, they don’t know what to do.

In addition to this difficulty in clearly identifying what your true professional vocation is, there are also many pressures from the labor market. You need to ponder your tastes and interests, as well as the characteristics of the different jobs that exist.

As if this weren’t enough, a person may also have several work interests and not know which one to focus on.

For this very reason, sometimes, it isn’t easy to identify which of these many interests should take precedence over the others. Below, we’ll share five tools or strategies to help you discover, or rediscover, your true professional vocation.

“A vocation is the backbone of life.”

-Friedrich Nietzsche-

A man thinking.

5 ways to find your professional vocation

1. Identification

One of the factors that can help you discover your true professional vocation is identification. This is related to the similarities between the tasks you do in a certain job and the activities you tend to do spontaneously.

For example, let’s take someone who’s interested in money or is always looking for the best ways to earn more, in investments and the like. What they’re doing is administrating. Thus, administration or even banking would be good options for them. And what about a person who’s particularly sensitive to those who are suffering and wants to relieve their pain? They’ll probably have a great affinity to health professions.

Obviously, to identify your true professional vocation, you first need to analyze what you like to do. You need to get to know yourself better. You can start from there. Try to analyze which spontaneous tendencies or behavior patterns are the most prominent in your life.

2. Greater concentration

One of the unmistakable signs that you have a particular interest or vocation for something is how much you concentrate when you’re doing it. In other words, when you get so involved in something that the rest of the world doesn’t seem to exist, you’ve probably found your vocation.

However, the exact opposite can also happen. For example, when you become distracted and desperate to finish a task right after you start it. This means that it’s not the vocation for you. However, tiredness often comes into play. In addition, we all have days when even the things we like doing don’t seem so interesting.

3. Special intuition, a clue to your true professional vocation

Ease could also show you your true professional vocation. Some people seem to have a special intuition about certain areas or subjects. When you carry out those tasks, it feels that everything flows naturally.

It’s often more than just performing well. In fact, it consists of capturing the essence of the activity and doing with a certain ease and without any major setbacks. This shows you that there’s an affinity between how you think and the tasks that need to be carried out.

4. Autonomous work

Another of the unmistakable clues to a professional vocation is when a person spontaneously feels the need to know more about a certain area. Without being asked to do so, or without it being strictly necessary, they try to find out more about it. They continually ask themselves more and more questions when they find those answers.

This curiosity shows that there’s a real interest in a specific area. Thus, it’s important to be aware of subjects or areas that you naturally want to research, read, or learn more about. This is because it’s likely that your vocation could be in this area.

5. Feeling of tiredness

This aspect is closely related to concentration. As we were saying, you probably feel that time seems to fly while you’re doing certain tasks. However, when you do others, you feel that time passes very slowly.

In the same way, some activities make a person feel exhausted far more quickly. Feeling intense tiredness or fatigue can be the consequence of an activity that you’re just not cut out for. However, if you can easily spend hours doing something, you may have found your vocation in life.

The importance of discovering your true vocation lies in the peace and happiness it gives you. Your true vocation in life will fulfill you. Thus, your chances of succeeding in it increase.

Most people work many hours a day. That’s why your professional vocation is very important!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Sánchez, J. E. G. (2011). El cine y la vocación profesional. Cuadernos de Bioética, 22(3), 543-556.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.