What Are the Benefits of Working Freelance?

Being a freelance worker means you carry out your professional activities independently. In fact, you provide services to third parties in exchange for financial remuneration. This article looks at the positives of being a freelancer.
What Are the Benefits of Working Freelance?

Last update: 20 May, 2021

Before focusing on the benefits of working freelance, we’ll explain the term. A freelancer carries out work for different organizations rather than working for a single company all the time. Therefore, they get their earnings from multiple clients, set their own goals, and manage their own schedules.

A study by Forbes magazine suggests that more than 53 million people work freelance in the United States. In Europe, the figure is nine million, with Germany, Italy, and Spain having the most freelancers. Therefore, according to Forbes, a big part of the population are freelancers.

What are the benefits of being a freelancer? Here are some of them.

“Being freelance means you’re self-employed, working for yourself, and your main activity is to provide services to third parties.”

A woman working freelance.

Working freelance means you’re your own boss

You’re your own boss and you make the career decisions you feel are most appropriate. You choose who you work with and how you do your job. Furthermore, you aren’t forced to put up with working conditions you don’t like.

On the other hand, an employed person has no choice but to work with the same colleagues every day under their boss’s control, whether they like it or not.

Manage your own time

Do you hate routine? One of the benefits of being a freelancer is time management. In other words, you can work wherever and however you want, choosing the hours that best suit you.

In addition, working freelance means that you choose when to take your holidays and time off. You don’t have to request leave from your company. Indeed, if you want to have a weekend away, go on holiday, or attend a meeting, you only need to arrange it with yourself.

Your earnings depend on you

Your income doesn’t depend on how many hours you work for a company or their profits. In fact, they solely depend on you, on how much you want to earn and how much you want to work. However, an employed person is obliged to work on given working days, which are usually inflexible. Furthermore, their remuneration tends to be fixed.

In short, you decide how much work you carry out and invoice. In addition, you receive all the money. It isn’t shared with a company as sometimes happens in normal employment. You get fully paid for what you do.

A man working at his desk.

Working freelance and professional growth

This is one of the benefits of being a freelancer. Because, by being your own boss, you decide how, when, where, and who you work with. You can say no to work you don’t want and you can choose the tools you want to work with.

However, you should remember that just as you’re responsible for your successes, you’re equally responsible for your failures. Nevertheless, from your mistakes, you’ll learn what’s right, both for your business and yourself. In addition, you’ll probably feel more personally accountable for what you produce than if you work for someone else.

In conclusion, based on the benefits we’ve listed here, freelancing seems like a natural solution, particularly nowadays when it’s so complicated to achieve a successful work-life balance.

However, we shouldn’t finish the article without pointing out there can also be some disadvantages to working freelance. For instance, you’ll have less employment protection. Furthermore, you might find you only earn good money if you work for a company.

Choose a job you love, and you’ll never have to work a day in your life.” 


This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.