How to Find Light in the Shadows

How to Find Light in the Shadows

Last update: 28 July, 2022

We all have those days when, no matter how bright the sun is shining, we only feel darkness and shadows. Even the most motivated people can experience low points. And sometimes, that darkness can envelop our hearts so much that not even a ray of light can get in.

When your heart is in the shadows, you have to find out why there is no light. You must find ways to get out of that existential crisis and motivate yourself when apathy and a desire to do nothing are attacking your soul.

Why have the lights gone out?

Darkness in the heart can have many different causes, and it is your mission to find out what is going on to avoid it turning into something even more complicated to resolve, like depression. Some of the causes that may contribute to your darkness could be the following:

  • You are afraid of the future, you feel like a coward, and you do not want to evolve. Change terrifies you.
  • You feel tired and too powerless to lead a healthy life.
  • You do not have confidence in yourself and do not want to leave your comfort zone.
  • You believe that you are incompetent because you do not value yourself.

Furthermore, if you are a person who wants to do things but always remains in the middle, the sensation of frustration will make you feel bad about yourself. Sometimes it can help to prepare in simple ways to boost motivation. For example, if you want to exercise each morning, put workout clothes beside your bed so they are the first thing you see when you wake up!

Conquering oneself is such a great achievement that only one who is great can dare accomplishing it .”

-Pedro Calderón de la Barca-

Continuing with the example of exercise, you can also think about calling a friend to make plans together, to exercise at the gym at the same time, to play partner sports…any way to motivate yourself and reach your goals will always be a good idea!

Let the light blind you in the face of darkness

When you notice that darkness is trying to take over you, go to your roots and listen attentively to the sounds that your body is giving off. Maybe you need to rest or to do some exercising. Giving it what it asks for will not only improve your health, but also pay off by filling you with energy that you can use to do the tasks that you like the least.

Think about your habits. Have you rested well lately? Have you eaten healthy? Value your body, because caring for it is essential if you want to feel better about yourself and the world around you.

Sad Woman Lying On Side

If, on the other hand, you take care of your body, but are fighting against negative thoughts, then think about why you have those thoughts that are holding you back. For example, if there is someone who has made a hurtful comment that bothered you or if you compare yourself to other people. Maybe it is time for you to think nice things about yourself and to do something that makes you feel good. Are you already doing this?

Perseverance  is the key to success, in any aspect of life. At first, it is easy to be motivated to obtain our goals because we think about the final result, but later, maybe you have to exercise your willpower to finish the task.

Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses .”

-George Washington Carver-

When you find yourself in the middle of the path, maybe you will notice that you have put in more than half the time and effort that you thought you would invest to achieve your goal, and maybe it is at this moment that the shadows appear. If this happens, think to yourself that investing time and effort does not often result in linear progress and that the beginning almost always requires more time than we had assumed.

But you know what? You can do it. You just have to remember why you started and in this way, you can achieve it. Keep moving and you will reach your goal, and only the fact of reaching it will fill you with satisfaction.

Remember that after the storm always comes the rainbow. As soon as you start noticing how the darkness start to envelop your heart, you need to open your eyes , listen to your soul, and look for immediate solutions so that your light can shine from every pore of your being.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.