Always Bet on Optimism

Always Bet on Optimism

Last update: 12 May, 2016

Throughout our lives we’re faced with a lot of ups and downs and negative circumstances that test us every day.

When a loved one passes, when we lose a job, when a relationship ends, we feel bad, but it’s necessary to learn to see the bright side, because there always is one.

What is optimism?

The word optimism comes from the Latin “optimun” that means “the better.” Optimism is the ability to see the bright side of things. It’s a matter of character. There are people that stay whole and keep going in the face of adversity, they have a positive attitude and see the good in every situation.

man unlocking door

Psychologist Martin Seligman, Director of the Psychology Department at the University of Pennsylvania, is the creator of positive psychology and states that: “Being optimistic involves putting in the effort to find solutions, advantages and possibilities in every situation you are presented in life”.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.