Bikram Yoga: Characteristics and Benefits

Try a new way of exercising with Bikram Yoga, which can benefit both the body and mind.
Bikram Yoga: Characteristics and Benefits

Last update: 30 August, 2020

Millions of people around the world practice yoga. There are many different ways to practice it. Bikram Yoga is a variety with some interesting characteristics and benefits that you do in a space that’s at 104°F.

This kind of yoga is one of the best for relaxing and exercising at the same time. The heat makes your body more flexible, which makes it much easier for you to do it. It also reduces the pain you feel as you do the various poses.

This yoga is starting to become very popular in many Western countries. That being said, it’s not the best type of yoga for beginners because some of the poses are very difficult.

The origins of Bikram Yoga

Bikram Choudhury was the founder of Bikram Yoga. His desire for a greater connection with the body started with an accident. This accident helped him realize that exercising in a high-temperature environment facilitates bodily communication.

He was able to rehabilitate himself completely and reduce the pain that exercising caused him this way. After that, many people around him wanted to achieve the same results. When they did, they ended up being the perfect advertisement for his method and ideas.

A woman doing Bikram Yoga.

Bikram Choudhury created a new form of yoga that combined Eastern and Western knowledge. Sessions last 90 minutes, where you have to do 26 complete asanas (poses). It also involves doing breathing exercises in a room that’s set at a very high temperature.

Each pose is meant to treat a different part of the body. The poses all involve balance, breathing, and stretching on a mat. They might not exactly be difficult, but it does take arm and leg strength to do each pose perfectly.

You should also wear light, loose clothing when you do Bikram Yoga. This way, you’ll be comfortable and able to handle the high temperatures.

The benefits of Bikram Yoga

Toxin release

One of the greatest benefits of Bikram Yoga is that it helps release toxins. The high temperature makes your body get rid of them even faster because of how much you sweat.

A study that was published in Environment International stated that your body rids itself of toxins through sweat. People who do this kind of yoga generally produce a quart of sweat per session. Thus, it’s best to hydrate well before each class and bring a bottle of water just in case.

Extreme relaxation

High temperatures also lead to muscle relaxationYour body’s muscles will be much looser and more oxygenated, which will make them more flexible. If you’re recovering from a muscle-related injury, this heat will also help relieve your pain.

No training required

Both beginners and experienced yogis can practice Bikram Yoga, but it’s always best to start out gradually. The heat can also overwhelm people who have never done yoga before, which makes it harder for them to do well.

People doing bikram yoga.

Some warnings

Though Bikram Yoga has some amazing benefits, there are also some things to consider before you start. This yoga isn’t good for pregnant women or people with circulatory problems. Remember that heat expands your blood vessels, which means your blood pressure may decrease.

As you get older, you also have to be more careful about exposing yourself to high temperatures. Still, people over 60 can do it.

Lastly, you shouldn’t do this kind of yoga if you have a cold or a fever.

If none of these things are an issue, doing Bikram Yoga can have some amazing benefits, like reducing tension and balancing your mind.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.