The Essential Keys for Working with Others

Working with others is a necessity, whether you work in a company or as an independent professional. Certain skills can facilitate the achievement of goals when you work with others. Discover them here!
The Essential Keys for Working with Others

Last update: 13 February, 2021

In this article, we’ll discuss the keys to working well with others, which you’ll need in many jobs. This is because personal interactions require certain talents and skills. But don’t worry, as  anyone can develop them and fulfill their potential.

Image, empathy, and communication skills help you do a good job, especially when your occupation requires interaction with others. Regardless of the business sector, customer service requires personal interaction and has its own qualities.

There’s a vague generalization about the kindness required to work with customers. Although this particular line of work does require evolved social skills, it also requires decisive people. The kind who can solve and overcome crises and provide friendly yet assertive personalized customer service.

“The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.”

-Dale Carnegie-

Two people shaking hands.

Communication skills

They considerably differ from the popular belief that a person must have a way with words. However, the latter is more linked to charlatanism. This is actually one of the worst enemies of anyone who works in customer service.

Communication skills are effective tools in any area of your life and become even more valuable for job performance, especially in those occupations that require social interaction. In fact, the most important one might be active listening.

Thus, communicators must transmit clear information and make sure it’s congruent with their non-verbal language. The tone and volume must be in accordance with the content of the message and the body language as well. Knowing how to maintain eye contact is a skill you improve as you go. Keep in mind that it’s sensitive to genuine interest.


This is a valuable quality in customer service jobs. Actually, there’s nothing worse than a person who tries to be sympathetic without being so. One who also fails to discover what a customer really needs.

Confidence can replace hollow understanding and it becomes natural through a good dose of empathy. This is because putting yourself in another person’s shoes is the most effective way to provide proper service.

For example, people with years of experience in customer service know that treating a person right isn’t about being kind. Instead, they know it’s about maintaining a conversation in the context in which communication flows. There’s no point in getting too close when the tone of the conversation isn’t friendly. In contrast, there’s no point in being too distant when such a stance isn’t consistent with the overall mood.

Two women looking at glasses.

Personal image is crucial when working with others

There’s no second chance to make a first impression. Presence is a quality that encompasses several important angles.

Good presence involves body posture, facial expression, attire, the appearance of one’s hands, hair, shoes, etc. In this regard, you should leave nothing to chance but make sure the result is natural. This might just be one of the most complex skills.

Also, be familiar with dress codes and appearance in general and don’t neglect them at any time. This is because personal image is important when working with others.

Working with others requires talent

Regardless of the type of work you do and the skills required, a customer service position can definitely benefit from an extra layer of interpersonal skills. Thus, being fluent in it has an impact on the improvement of job opportunities and also on the vigorous development of your professional career. In addition, it allows you to apply it much more comfortably and satisfactorily.

Many specialized professionals can help you in this regard. In addition, books and articles on the subject can also help. However, it’s of little use to know the benefits of active listening if you don’t put it into practice. As you can see, practice is as important as information.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.