Six of the Silent Signs of Depression

In addition to the typical sadness that we usually associate with depression, there are more subtle behaviors that can hide this problem. We explain the most frequent ones below.
Six of the Silent Signs of Depression

Last update: 21 September, 2021

There are many myths on the subject of depression. However, one undeniable fact is that depression is an extremely serious problem that can affect anyone.

What you may not know is that depression can appear at any time in life.  For this reason, you should know how to recognize the silent signs that can be a sign of this condition. In this way, you’ll be better prepared to acknowledge it if you or a close family member are beginning to suffer from it. Therefore, you should take note of the following signs of depression, Furthermore, don’t hesitate to ask for help if any of them appear in your life.

1. Irritability

It’s common to think that depression must be accompanied  by sadness and tears. However, some people experience irritability and anger as a part of this disorder. It  doesn’t mean that the sadness isn’t there. It’s just that these people are experiencing and externalizing their emotions in a different manner.

For this reason, you must be alert to these kinds of mood swings.  Don’t feel that they’re your fault or that you’re just being impatient with yourself. Take a moment to understand what’s happening to you and consider the possibility that it could be depression.

Woman with flowers in hand

2. Sleeping problems

Spending the odd sleepless night is pretty  normal. That’s because stress, daily worries, and responsibilities occupy your mind and prevent you from sleeping. However, what you need to remember is that these kinds of situations pass when you find a solution to your problems.

However, if sleeping is a constant problem, and there’s no apparent medical cause, you need to have a think. Because m any people with depression experience sleep problems. For example, some may have trouble falling asleep while others will sleep more.

Therefore, you should take a look at your sleeping habits and identify any recent changes. Is it hard for you to get to sleep? Do you spend more hours than usual sleeping? What thoughts do you have before you go to sleep and when you wake up?

3. Decrease in energy

Do you find that, previously, you could go to work, go out with friends, and still have the energy to do some sport? However, now, any task leaves you feeling exhausted.

As you get older, it’s normal for your energy levels to drop. Nevertheless, what’s  not normal is that you suddenly feel you don’t want to do anything. In fact, d epression sucks up all your energy and leaves you feeling lethargic. Furthermore, the things that used to inspire you and the dreams that motivated you no longer matter.

Depression makes you feel like many things no longer make any sense . You’ll stop trying new goals and give up on your others.

4. Guilt

Blaming yourself excessively and for no reason isn’t healthy. However, d epression will make you feel guilty about everything . Therefore, if you’ve been blaming yourself for everything lately, from your divorce to your adult children’s problems, you need to analyze what’s going on.

Woman trapped between thorns

Some people exhibit guilt alone as their first symptom of depression. Others express it as guilt and sadness or guilt and anger. Therefore, b efore you start criticizing yourself or believing that you’re exaggerating your situation, try to work out what else you’re feeling and why.

5. Excessive extraversion

It might seem odd, but many people hide their depression behind their smiles.  With these people, it’s more difficult to recognize their condition. If you’re one of them, it’s important that you understand that nobody’s going to judge or criticize you for your emotions.

Among the most common behaviors of extrovert depressives are:

You may think that these behaviors will improve your mood. However, the best way to deal with your problems is by taking control of them.

6. Concentration problems

If you’re having trouble staying focused, it could be a sign of depression. People with this problem often have trouble remembering where they left their things or what to do.

Nevertheless, it’s important that you learn to differentiate between distraction caused by your obligations and that caused by depression. Are you overly focused on your problems? Has your productivity been affected even though your routine is the same?

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

If you have even the slightest suspicion that you could be suffering from depression , don’t hesitate to seek help. Because this could be a much more serious problem than it might appear at first glance. However, the good news is that dealing with it is really simple. You just need to make the decision and seek therapy.


This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.