Thumb Author Leonardo Resano

Leonardo Resano

Social worker

Writer, popularizer, lecturer, and expert in motivation and personal development. He's the author of Navegando por la mente (Navigating through the mind, 2013) and En este momento… (At this moment…, 2017). He has been a professor in the area of social and cultural gerontology and the facilitator of courses, programs, and workshops related to coaching.

About the author

Diploma in Social Work from the Public University of Navarra (1994). He has a specialization in Positive Psychology from Euroinnova Business School (2020).

He has worked as a teacher, writer, and speaker in the area of personal and institutional coaching and as an expert in personal motivation. He currently works as a personal counselor and teacher of broad topics related to the mind and creativity. He's a regular collaborator on local television and in different cultural associations.

He's the author of Navegando por la mente ( Navigating through the mind,  Eunate 2013) and  En este momento… ( At this moment…,  Eunate 2017). He's a facilitator of several courses and workshops and actively participates in projects related to personal motivation . He has been a finalist in numerous literary competitions and continues his training in the study of psychology.

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