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Juan Fernández


Historian graduated from the University of Oviedo. Occasionally, he carries out activities as a cathedral guide in Oviedo, thanks to his training in this area at the Pontifical University of Salamanca.

About the author

Graduated in History from the University of Oviedo (2016). He has complemented his studies with the Title of Guide of the Cathedral of Oviedo from the Pontifical University of Salamanca  (2017), where he has been doing sporadic jobs since then as a cathedral guide.

He has been trained in his area of knowledge through different courses such as Introduction to the Archaeological Method (2014), Pre-Hispanic History of America (2015), and Medieval and Modern Urbanism (2016).

In 2013, he was part of the Prehistory Workshops of the University of Oviedo. He has carried out archeology practices at the Gauzón Castle site (2014) and practices in the Oviedo Cathedral Archive (2017).