Love in Its Entirety

Love in Its Entirety

Last update: 14 December, 2015

“When you fall in love, the teams
of time call at oblivion
Misery is full of miracles
Fear turns into audacity
And death doesn’t come out of its cave
Falling in love is a free sign
A window that opens to a new tree
A feat of feelings
An almost unbearable bonanza
and an exercise against misfortune.
On the contrary, falling out of love
is seeing the body the way it is and not
the other face you invented
It’s returning poorer to the old riddle
and looking sadly in the mirror.”

Mario Benedetti

They say that a child invented love with its eyes closed, and that’s why we fall in love blindly. Because when you fall in love, you lose your sense of reality, and you constantly project your ideals and desires onto the person you love.

Nevertheless, love is not merely physical attraction or living in an ideal world full of butterflies and romanticisms. True love is one that accepts and one that does not give affection halfway.

rose in a heart bubble

Love is a great challenge. To achieve it, we have to get rid of the projections and idealizations and start a new process that can be complicated, but beautiful.

Feelings, which are different than passions, persist over time and are not easily broken. Wanting someone because of their beauty is not the same as love, it’s infatuation. Wanting someone for their intelligence is not love, it’s admiration. Wanting someone without knowing why is love.

They say that time constructs love between two people who accept and love their differences and peculiarities. This goes beyond infatuation; it’s creating the magic of unconditional acceptance between two people.

Love in its entirety

What is infatuation?

Finding a smile on your face. Drawing a picture of morning or a sunset. Hiding a tear that slips away. Hiding our hands when they accidentally brush against each other.

Sweating when we see them, like children. Starting to tremble when they go to kiss us.
Evading their mysterious gaze. Waiting for the right moment to attack.

What is love?

The years that may have passed. And although everyone thinks that the flame has been extinguished, they are wrong in thinking that the past will always be the best memory that the couple shares.

Looking into your eyes and finding the universe that I just painted is the best reward in the world. And that is the happiness I can create in my loved one.


girl on the world

Being the perfect couple does not mean you don’t have problems, it means you know how to solve them. So to love is, in some ways, to be infatuated with our differences. Seeing both the good and the bad in the relationship without being numb to it.

We all know that the passion of infatuation  doesn’t last more than a few months. It’s love that endures, because true love is one that cultivates commitment, attraction, and intimacy.

Love is constructed on the foundation of collective and individual well-being, encouraging the personal growth of each party and minimizing emotional vulnerability.

As we already know, love is not only happiness, it’s also stability, trust, protection, growth, and unconditionality. This is what makes it complete, unique, and true.

Where we love and are loved, that’s the most beautiful place in the world. Because there lies tenderness, trust sincerity, value, you and I, and I’m happy if you are.  In short, where there is love, the heart listens to its favorite music.

“Love cannot be defined, because to define it is to limit it, and love has no limits.”

-Carlos Cuauhtémoc-

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.