5 Exercises To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

5 Exercises To Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Last update: 18 October, 2016

Emotional Intelligence. It is, without a doubt, a dimension of our life that we should develop and manage properly. Knowing how to listen, understand others’ emotions and control our own, and knowing how to communicate and promote mutual respect is essential.

It is a kind of intelligence that should be included in the curriculum of schools so children can develop those basic skills from an early age. It is a way of self-knowledge, self-control and expressiveness. Of knowing how to set boundaries and communicate them, to prevent possible manipulation.

As you know, the one with the highest IQ is not the smartest, nor is it the one that has the better job or who works to accumulate “stuff”. True intelligence is one that is associated with a genuine happiness. It makes us proud of who we are and what we have. Whether it is a lot or a little. So why not implement these simple exercises to improve our emotional intelligence?

1. Get To know yourself

Getting to know oneself is an adventure that lasts a lifetime. But that is achieved everyday by setting goals for ourselves and asking questions. This is an introspection exercise that we should do every morning. Ask yourself what you want to do today and for tomorrow.

When nighttime comes, analyze how you felt throughout your day. Have you acted they way you wanted? Have you expressed or defended yourself according to your own values? Write it in a diary or a notebook. It is a very simple but illustrative exercise. Ask yourself questions, inquire for yourself.


2. Emotional regulation

Think of your emotions as a balance. It is not worth going to extremes 0r falling into drama because in the long term, we always end up losing. Do not let yourself be manipulated or resort to responses of anger or rage. It is ideal to find a happy medium.  Never push your emotions to the limit.

When you notice that you’re about to “fall” or “explode” think about a small, quiet and airy room. It is your palace of thoughts. Before acting, think, reason and analyze the situation. Only after getting that self-regulation should you make a decision. But first, think in that private room that brings you so much calm before you act.

No one else has more control over your life than you, do not ever forget. So do not let yourself be brought to foreign places where you lose your calm or identity. Work on your inner balance.

3. Empathy

Empathy is a concept we all know and value. Yet, we do not put it into practice as much as we should. It is easier to put ourselves in the place of those people who transmit more positive feelings to us. We better identify with them and the level of understanding and closeness is more intense.

But what if one day we try to empathize with someone who makes us uncomfortable? Think about that boss, for example, who has such little respect you or that classmate who always speaks ill of others and only looks for trouble. Try to “put yourself in their shoes” and perhaps discover what is behind them: insecurity, low self-esteem… try it, it can be a good learning experience.


4. Self-motivation

You may not feel like it today or you’re not in the mood. But from this moment on we will do a simple exercise: let’s look on the bright side of things, setting aside the negative. Get up every day thinking about something that excites you and that you want to achieve.

Life without hope is not life. Search for your daily motivation.

Sometimes any insignificant thing is useful to us: ending the day in that cafe you’ve never been to, calling that person you haven’t seen in a while, buying a new dress, planning a weekend getaway, signing up for yoga or painting. Smiling a little more…

5. Social skills

Let’s try to communicate a little better. And not only by words, but also with gestures. Get closer to the people you have around you, draw a smile, offer a touch, a pat on the back or a hug. You will see that the reaction of those around you will be different.

Search for and offer positive emotions. Try to listen a little better to the person in front of you and comb through their gaze. You may find much more than simple words. Put it into practice, develop your emotional intelligence and be happier by also making others happy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.