The Power of the Mind Over Health

The Power of the Mind Over Health

Last update: 21 February, 2022

Undoubtedly, our mind is the operations manager for all our internal mechanisms, even the most automatic and instinctive ones. Therefore, if our mind has the ability to lead, manage, coordinate and make our whole body function, it plays a vital role in our overall health.

man active mind

The two minds

We could say that we have two minds: the “conscious mind,” rational and analytical, and the other we could call the “subconscious mind.” That’s why in many cases we want to be well, but it seems that our desire does not correspond to our inner state. Instead, we begin to feel bad, seeming to have no control over our minds, our thoughts and our body.

While the conscious mind wants everything to go well, the subconscious mind activates all warning systems, fear and reactions. These make us feel like we are out of control and failed our original purpose which was for everything to go well.

In the subconscious mind strong emotional experiences are stored, and these activate memories, emotions, blockages and interferences in situations reminiscent of previous or traumatic experiences, although we are not aware of it.

When we have an emotionally intense experience, our subconscious mind will recognize other similar situations and activate all warning systems. This causes us to feel overwhelmed, and leads to discomfort and suffering, even if the current situation isn’t really dangerous.

Mental programming

From our minds, we have the ability to generate comfort or discomfort, although we are not aware that we’re doing it. Health  is a state where we feel good, both physically and psychologically. And feeling good depends on how our mind manages and faces life and the circumstances that it offers us, in the most effective way possible.

Our mind is programmed with messages that we receive from childhood, and with what we tell ourselves throughout life. Our discomfort or well-being depends on this programming because we have learned to react and feel in a certain way to certain situations in life and in relationships.

Often the mental programming is stored in the subconscious and from there we externalize the problems that are generated in our body.

man thinking

To bring about change, it is necessary to “reprogram our mind,” or find a way for our mind to generate attitudes, symptoms, development, thoughts and feelings of wellbeing.

This is possible through psychological therapy, with cognitive restructuring techniques or hypnosis, among others. The person discovers the erroneous programming in their subconscious mind, which creates discomfort and disease.

The mind has the power to govern the functioning of our body, and it can do so properly and create health, if we learn how to let it do its work. It is therefore important to find out where the subconscious mind creates emotional blocks and unlock them to allow a flow of emotions, attitudes and healing thoughts.

The power of the mind to create health

Taking charge of our health involves delving into the realms of our mind. Since the subconscious mind is not easily accessible, it is important to use the access that we are allowed through our conscious, logical and analytical mind. At the same time we will observe the emotions that arise in the process.

To begin, communication with ourselves is important, and could be through positive and realistic messages to our present capabilities:

  • “I can get it”
  • “I know how to do it”
  • “I will heal”
  • “My body knows how to restore balance”
girl thinking

And in a conscious, logical, rational and intentionally way, these messages will guide our mind towards the path of wellbeing. At the same time they will give us back the power we have to direct our mind, discovering and reminding us of our internal capabilities to restore the balance of our health.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.