The 7 Best Tips for a Better Resume

The 7 Best Tips for a Better Resume

Last update: 14 April, 2018

In today’s world, finding a job that makes you happy is hard. All the competition and the demands of an increasingly selective labor market can make us start to doubt our capabilities.  Information is constantly being published on how to improve your resume, but it may not be clear what steps are really worth taking.

Creating a striking resume is not easy. You look around and see people using all kinds of innovative techniques. V ideo resumes and graphic templates are easy to find online. 

However, improving your CV is not based on looks, even if that’s what you might think at first glance. Yes, it’s important to present something attractive, but it’s also important that what’s inside doesn’t disappoint. If the message isn’t good, then colors and fonts will be of little value.

Some of the advice we have here will be familiar, but some of it will be completely new to you. The important thing is to take advantage of these tips so that the world can see what you are capable of!

7 essential tips for a better resume

1. No lying

Not lying on your CV may seem obvious, but falsified resumes are actually quite widespread. Adding jobs you didn’t have, lying about the position you held, or making up accomplishments can all have dire consequences. Not only is it embarrassing, it is not right.

Being honest is not only a virtue, it is also intelligent. If your bosses or interviewers discover that you lied about something important, they’ll start to distrust you.  Nobody likes having unreliable workers in their company, so try not to give that impression.

At a job interview with your resume.

2. Differentiate yourself from others

It’s recommended to highlight something that differentiates you from others. Not only in how your resume looks (as mentioned above), but also in your skills. Learn a little of a second language, highlight specific courses, and add volunteer work.

The problem with almost all resumes is that they are very similar. Years ago, English was the only language you need, but that’s not the case anymore. The more original your career path is, the more curiosity you will awaken in possible employers.

“Choose a job that you like, and you won’t have to work a single day in your life.”


3. Proper length

Your resume shouldn’t be too long or too short. Highligh having worked for the same company for years instead of having worked for a lot companies for short amounts of time. The latter presents an image of instability.

Don’t include too much information about your school or university unless your achievements there were noteworthy. All trivial information should be removed. The ideal length of a resume is one to two pages.

4. Do not include hobbies

Many people, in an attempt to connect with their interviewer, include too much personal information. Besides being a mistake, it also gives an impression of being unprofessional. Include a presentation of your goals in life or with this particular job, but briefly.

Also try not to use any terms or phrases only you are familiar with. Strive for an intermediate point between formality and closeness, no extremes.

5. Get letters of recommendation

Many jobs ask for letters of recommendation. Getting them can be tough, especially if you haven’t had contact with former teachers for a long time. If they are still practicing teachers, the best thing to do is request a meeting with them. 

The same happens goes for old bosses. In this case it will be easier, provided they still have their job. But not all companies include letters of recommendation as an indispensable requirement.

At an interview

6. Proofread

Grammar and spelling errors are to be absolutely avoided. You should review your resume to avoid mistakes that could cost you the job. Although this recommendation may seem obvious, too many people forget it. A resume full of mistakes implies you’re careless or uneducated. And companies don’t want to hired anyone like that.

7. Volunteering adds points

Including volunteer work in your resume is often not necessary, but it is highly recommended. Besides giving you potentially relevant experience, time spent as a volunteer is a plus. Find a cause that interests you and do a few months of volunteering. You will learn a lot and may decide to stay longer.

Any company is attracted to a worker committed to social causes. Demonstrating integrity and concern for others will not only improve your career, but also your life. 

To conclude, your resume is a very important part of the hiring process. However, it is not the only one. Try not to fill your resume with irrelevant information. Include honest information, and be committed to causes that are worthwhile.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.