Physical Signs Someone Is Lying to You

Physical Signs Someone Is Lying to You

Last update: 28 July, 2022

Surely you have suspected that someone is lying to you on more than one occasion. This happens more often than we would like to admit. The problem is that we do not always know if this is real or not, and this creates uncertainty.

This is why we would like to take the time to talk about the physical signs that someone is lying to you. The human body is designed to show what it is really thinking. Because of this, when someone lies, their body creates very specific signs. Here we are going to describe them. Learning them and do not be surprised by liars. Take note and you will see how useful it is to know all of this.

They constantly change the position of their head

The first symptom of someone lying to you is that the person doing it will change the position of their head constantly. This often happens when you ask a question that forces them to lie.

This change is due to the fact that formulating a false answer forces us to use both sides of our brain. This allows the formulation of an answer that seems real based on known facts.

Friends Talking, Cat on Lap

Furthermore, while the person is creating their lie, they will avoid eye contact. This action is done involuntarily and is very difficult to control. It often happens because the liar wants to avoid you seeing their lie and shame.

Changes in their breathing pattern

When you suspect that someone is lying to you, analyze if the person has changed their breathing pattern. They may breathe faster or slower than usual. You will be able to see changes like the reddening of the skin on their neck and face.

It will also be obvious that their nostrils open faster and wider. You can prove the lie by asking difficult questions and seeing how this affects the person’s breathing. Other physical changes can be added to this, like excessive movement of the head.

They cover their body with their arms

An obvious characteristic of someone lying to you is trying to protect their body. This is a very primitive instinct and it consists in crossing their arms. You will get the impression that there is a barrier between the other person and yourself.

Sometimes you can feel like you could be attacked at any moment. The reason for this behavior is that the mind feels like it must show security.

They repeat words or phrases

Another physical sign that someone is lying to you is that they repeat the same phrases over and over again. Unlike someone who is telling the truth, the liar will have practiced a script. Therefore, you will often hear the same words in the same order.

This is different from when you ask about a particular fact and the other person describes it to you. In this case, they will tell you the same thing, but in different words.

When they are lying, the only thing the liar wants is to avoid your doubt. To achieve this, they will have learned a script and will not mess up anything, nor will they change the order of what they say. This makes them feel safe and protected.

They cover their mouth

A very clear sign when someone is lying is that they try to hide their mouth. They can cover it with their hand or by turning their face when they speak. Unconsciously, the liar is trying to put a barrier between you and their lies.

If a person covers their mouth with their hand when they speak or respond to a question, there is a high chance that they are lying to you. Listen to their words attentively. In case they only cover their mouths after very precise questions, you should be informed about other signs.

Woman Thinking, Man on Tightrope

They move their feet

You do not just have to watch their hands, mouth, and nose if you think they are lying. Also watch their feet and how they stand. A person who is trying to hide something will constantly move their feet.

First they will put their weight on one foot, then the other, only a few minutes apart. Another symptom is that they start moving their legs uncontrollably if they are sitting. Be sure that this is a symptom of lying and not a habit.

What to do if they are lying to you?

If you think they are lying to you, you have two options. The first is to keep listening and not do anything so as to avoid conflicts. The second option is to confront the person directly.

We recommend that you think about which is the best decision according to the severity of the lie and how important the person is to you.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.