Learn From Autumn And Drop Your Sorrows

Learn From Autumn And Drop Your Sorrows

Last update: 11 June, 2016

When autumn comes it seems like we are invaded with sadness, the darkness of the night, nostalgia, cold, seeing the distant summer and it seems that our work life is reduced to eating and sleeping… But we can learn from autumn: just as the leaves drop their trees, we can drop our sorrows.

Sadness is one of the emotions that remains within us the longest. But we have to be careful that sadness does not take possession of us and become permanent, stagnant…

“Every life has its sad or happy days. Happiness comes from  choosing what to remember.”


7  tips to drop your sorrows

Overcoming and dropping our sorrows is possible, we just have to be willing to do it, to change our way of seeing things and regain our smile. It is complicated and we must act boldly. We give you 7 tips to drop and overcome your sorrows:

Cry when you need it

Sometimes we feel ashamed to cry, but we have to let our tears fall when they are fighting to come out. When we cry, we drop our sorrows through small salty memories. Cry if you need it, sometimes we cannot choose where or with whom, but crying is uncontrollable at times and it is not bad.

It has been shown that crying generates endorphins, so our body relaxes and feels better. So let your tears fall and release your pressure by always crying when you need it… Don’t be afraid.


Be active

Move. Do some physical activity that you like will make you feel better, give you energy and the desire to continue, and strengthen your self-esteem and your will to live and enjoy. Exercise releases endorphins and other chemicals to improve your mood. You can practice a sport you like gradually, and every week do a little more until you bring yourself to practice sports an hour a day.

Practice your smile

Try to smile even if you feel bad. It’s sometimes difficult because we don’t want to smile, but we need to try to overcome our grief and draw a smile on our face and improve our mood. Give a smile to a child that looks at you, to that waiter that serves you every day, your friends, your partner. It doesn’t matter who, but smiling, transmits your joy.

“Life is full of loneliness, misery, suffering, sadness and yet is ends too fast.”

-Woody Allen-

woman smiling

Accept your feelings

Accepting what we feel such as anger, grief, frustration or sadness, can help us see life in a more hopeful way. We cannot deny negative feelings, but we can stop apologizing for feeling bad and stop repressing our feelings in order to accept our emotions and feelings.

Learn to meditate

Meditation can help us accept sorrow without judging it and without judging ourselves. Meditating has been shown to change the way in which the brain behaves towards sadness.

A widely used meditative technique is called mindfulness. It is a practice of living in the present moment and trying to enjoy the here and now, without judging. Meditating just 15 minutes a day helps to improve our mood.

person meditating

Understand the stages of sorrow

Almost all grief consist of five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. But not everyone manages the stages in the same order. In any case, sorrow is gradual and eventually diminishes in its intensity. Nobody can tell you how you must feel, only you can identify how you feel and manage those feelings.

Do not feel guilty about the way you experience your grief. Some phases are mixed and it is also possible that you may not experience a stage. Each person experiences it differently and uniquely.

Seek help from friends and family

The help of our friends and our family is crucial when we are sad because they know us well and love us, so they will support and help us overcome our mood. It is important to feel supported by people who show us their love and who want the best for us. Finding someone who will listen will help you feel like your sorrow has dissipated and feels lighter.

“Never stop smiling, not even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.”

-Gabriel García Márquez-


This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.