4 Psychological Benefits of Naps

4 Psychological Benefits of Naps

Last update: 28 July, 2022

Napping is something that many people practice, normally after meals. After getting up early, if we want to stay awake until night, sometimes we have to take a nap. This recharges our battery so that we can keep going through the day in a productive way.

Despite this, many people refuse to take naps or avoid it, thinking that they are going to be “wasting time.” What they do not know is that in addition to recharging us, naps have many psychological benefits that we often do not know about.

“When things go wrong as they sometimes will.
When the road you’re drudging seems all uphill.
When the funds are low, and the debts are high,
and you want to smile but you have to sigh.
When care is pressing you down a bit.
Rest if you must but don’t you quit!”
-Rudyard Kipling-

Do you want to know the psychological benefits of taking a nap?

1. Being more alert

After a long morning at work, our productivity is reduced. We think more slowly, we do not have as quick of reflexes, we yawn. In short, we find ourselves in a state of exhaustion that reduces our levels of alertness.

Woman Sleeping in Hammock

In certain professions, it plays no large role whether or not we are alert. But for an airplane pilot, a driver, or any other job that requires “being wide awake,” it is very important not to start getting drowsy or fall asleep. This is why a nap not only makes us more alert, but we also become more aware of our surroundings, making us more productive.

Can you imagine a soldier who is not alert? Or a teacher who cannot stay focused? In these and many other situations, being alert is a necessity, which is why naps should absolutely be required.

2. It improves your memory

Sometimes we sleep badly at night, which causes us to be more tired than we usually are. This will affect our memory, whether we like it or not. This is why a good nap that leaves us well rested will result in great benefits for our memory.

A nap not only recharges our battery; it also increases brain activity. Along with improving our memory, this increases our creativity ! But for this to happen, we must not skimp on our naps. What exactly do we mean by that?

It is normal to spend between 10 and 20 minutes taking a nap. But sometimes our body needs more than this. It depends on the person and how difficult it is for them to get to sleep. For there to be a noticeable increase in creativity, we have to sleep as much as we consider to be useful for good rest. Will you be able to allow yourself this time?

3. Positive mood

Sleeping badly and being tired throughout the day can cause us to be rather irritable. It is for this reason that a nap would do us some real good! If you find yourself feeling irritated and everything is bothering you, try taking a nap.

“Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired”
-Jules Renard-

However, that is not all: a nap will make you more productive. Energy is recovered and the laziness that comes along with exhaustion goes away, giving rise to an active person with a desire to work and to “get down to business.” A good nap can be better for your productivity than a strong cup of coffee!

4. Get rid of stress

Along with improving your mood, thereby making you more productive, a good nap will eliminate the stress that you may be suffering from. We know that the best thing to do when faced with stress from work is to step away, take a walk, distance ourselves, but sometimes, this is not enough. Our mind will not stop thinking about work and we cannot manage to free ourselves from the thought of it. For this very reason, a nap can make you forget the stress that is attacking and blocking you.

Sleeping Woman

But what happens if you cannot sleep? Do not get frustrated and do not get up and go back to your activities. Keep your eyes closed for a few minutes, even if you cannot get to sleep. With this tiny gesture, you are already resting! Even if it does not seem like it, you are reducing your anxiety and calming your nerves.

What about you – do you take naps?

If so, congratulations! Look at all of the benefits that there are for your memory and your productivity. If you have not yet developed this practice, maybe you should try it! As soon as you start feeling irritable, exhausted, or lazy, try taking a nap! That will make you as productive as possible for the rest of the day.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.